“It’s just human nature”

It amazes me how individuals who are determined to have an affair will manufacture any excuse they can. Rather than assume responsibility to their choices and actions, they will blame instincts, urges, human nature, the other person, the situation, anything but themselves. I mention the human nature since the act of having sex with anything that has a skirt or anything with pants is NOT  human nature at all, it is animal nature. When my dog has the urge, he is not selective at all. Anything that has four legs like him will do. This is base animal instinct. Although the word human is thrown in, the mere suggestion that it is ‘human instinct’ (or its gender based variants-“I am a man” or “I am a woman”) indicates that they do not understand what it means to be human. They do not understand what it means to exercise self-control over their urges. They do not understand what it means to be in a marriage relationship. All they understand is how to mate, and live together.

Being human means that we do not have to give into an urge, simply because we experience it. As humans, we have the capacity for self-control.  We have the capacity to say no to someone who happens to catch our attention or arouse us. Animals do not have the capacity to say no to their urges.

So if your spouse gives the excuse that ‘it’s just human nature’, it is just an excuse. They are blaming someone or something else. They are avoiding all responsibility. Rather than succumb to the assumption that they operate on an animal instinct level, hold them accountable to human levels of behavior. Allowing them to get away with such an excuse only allows them to operate blind immature level of relationships.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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