Are certain professions predisposed to affairs?

In dealing with affairs, the question arises as to whether there are certain professions that are predisposed to affairs. My experience has been that each vocation has its own unique dangers and risks related to affairs. Whenever a profession has an inequality of power, there is in innate danger of that imbalance being exploited and becoming sexualized. When that occurs the danger of affairs is extremely high. The professions where an imbalance of power include the health care field, church, law enforcement, teaching, politics and the military.

Each of these vocations has with it the inherent danger of power relationships being exploited. The public often looks up to people in those professions. The admiration can often be confused with sexual interest. When the two are confused, the risk for affairs is high.

The athletic professions have their own unique danger. In those professions, the athletes are  trained to ‘explode’ and give it all they have to whatever endeavor they engage in. The giving it all you have often spills over into other areas of their lives, when they give in to their sexual urges. The same dedication to giving it all they have got when combined with sexual energies becomes dangerous in terms of affairs.

Another area of professions that has its own dangers is that of the artistic endeavors. This profession is used to testing limits and trying new things. When the testing limits spills over to testing sexual limits, there are dangers of an affair occurring. They are used to dealing with issues like ‘passion’. Those passions, once stirred up are often not easy to redirect and control.

Professions that entail large amounts of secrecy or the fast turn around of money also have their own unique dangers of affairs erupting as well. When people have to keep a lot of secrets or go through a lot of cash quickly, there are some hidden dangers in their line of work related to affairs.

These are not the only high risk professions, although they are often in the forefront.  If you are in one of these professions, or if your spouse is, you may want to talk about this with them. Find out ways of dealing with the pressures and temptations associated with their vocation and what you can do to help them with it.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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