Did he think about…..?

Among the many questions you are tormenting yourself with, there is often one about whether the cheater considered the consequences of their actions. Did the cheater consider the consequences, the reactions, the impact of their behavior? The simple answer is NO.

Most cheaters only think about immediate self-gratification. They think far enough ahead to bed someone, not in terms of what happens after that, or what that will lead to or even further. Oftentimes, the lover thinks further ahead than the cheater does. This is one of the reasons they often seem to control the cheater.

If cheaters thought ahead, they would see different options. By approaching the temptation with short-sightedness, they are blind to other options. The cheaters are often only considering their current emotional state, the neediness they feel and what will satisfy that neediness. They do not consider that their actions will impact others. They do not consider how many people will be touched by their choices.

“I want what I want, when I want it and how I want it” is often their mantra. It is obvious that they are not considering others. They are not considering any kind of ripple effect associated with their actions.

I also know that there are a few exceptions to this generalization. There are a few spouses who do consider the impact and calculate ways of using that impact. These spouses are the ones using the cheating as a one-way ticket out of the marriage. These types are not as common, although they do exist.

To sum it up, generally, the cheater is not considering or thinking about the impact. In the cases where they are thinking, it is often is ‘evil’ (in the sense of knowingly inflicting harm/damage) and conniving.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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