The courage to do something different

If you are tired of how when you fight with the cheater that it always seems to be the same old fight, or fighting over the same thing, you may want to do something different. When couples get ‘locked in’ to such patterns, it is hard to escape or break those patterns. With some of you, the inability to escape is literal. The cheater has you trapped into an existence that is more like a prison. Prison is still prison even when it’s bars are emotional ones.

Or you may be one that is stuck in a patterned ‘rut’ where you and the cheater behave more like actors repeatedly following a script than a couple trying to talk with each other. When you are stuck in such situations, ‘do something different’. Even if you break the pattern a little bit, it will bring change. Some of the things you can change are the words you use, the time of day of the fight, your tone of voice, or you may need to listen before you react for a change. Whatever change you are willing to do, with the new year, use the opportunity of newness to do something different. Break up the routine fighting by changing it.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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