Twisting the Night Away

You may have discovered that cheaters have a way of twisting things. They twist the truth, Biblical teachings, news, research and just about anything else they get their hands on. They often know the truth, but do not want to face it. Rather than face the truth about what they are doing to themselves and others, they prefer to twist what they are doing in order to excuse it.

This tendency to twist is one of those items that makes it hard for you to talk to them. It also makes it hard to have any kind of heart to heart meetings with them. Some are so skilled at their twisting, they may leave you thinking that you are the one who is crazy, that you are the one being unrealistic, and that you are the one being selfish based on you wanting to keep your marriage together. They manage to turn truths into lies and what was beautiful into something ugly, while trying to turn something ugly into something good.

You may wonder, “How do they come up with that?” or “Where did that come from?”. There can be many root causes for the twisting. One thing I have noticed about the twisting is that they often do a lot of it at night lying in bed. While laying there, they find a way to turn things around. So, literally, they are twisting the night away. Some even need alcohol or drugs to numb their conscience so that they can do more twisting.

This is not the good kind of twisting, nor is it beneficial in any way.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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