Hollywood and Affairs

In the wake of the recent Aurora, Colorado shooting, some of the movers and shakers in Hollywood are admitting that they may have contributed to the incident with their violent films. That admission has a bearing on your marriage. Besides violence, Hollywood also cranks out movies that attack traditional values, including marriage and glorify infidelity. With the number of movies that attack marriage, is it any wonder that you feel the pressure in yours? Is it any wonder that affairs are often seen as no big deal by some people?

Consider how many films make light of infidelity, even going back decades. Movies considered popular have made affairs more tolerable. Consider these films which deal with affairs Dr. Zhivago, The Apartment, Bonnie and Clyde, The Graduate, Bob, Ted, Carol and Alice, Deep Blue Sea, Wanderlust, All About Polly, Matchpoint, Walk The Line, Closer, Unfaithful, Rumor Has It, Consenting Adults, Love Actually, Sweet Home Alabama, the Godfather, and who could forget, Fatal Attraction.

Hollywood continues cranking them out and you continue having trouble in your marriage. It is no wonder that we are being desensitized and taught about human relationships from such films. Sadly , the lessons we learn are not always good ones.

If you are wanting to turn your marriage around, you may want to give the movie a second or third thought before you indulge in it or at least think about what is really going on in it.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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3 Responses

  1. I recall when my husband told me he had watched “Fatal Attraction ‘ I was not happy that he viewed movies on his own …especially since he never invited me to go out. But also I would not have wanted to watch that one and many that he watches I do not think worthy of my time or are helpful to the renewal of the mind .

    When we got married I was also not wanting to listen to contemporary music…having been a professional musician and then spent a great deal of time in study of how lyric content was harmful to people’s character in that most listen passively to messages that repeat over and over ungodly content.

    He scoffed at my position …even as I told him it hurt me to listen to music since I had ‘retired’ …and missed it so much as well as not wanting to fill my head with that stuff

    He told me that “Fatal Attraction ‘ was a very scary movie…unusual comment from him I thought …to admit how unsettling it was …NOW I realize that his daliances were probably going on and the prospect of such a person in his life was indeed scary

    Even NOW he does many things to ‘keep her cool’ since even when he met her she had been in therapy for years….What is boggling is that he is very intellegent person …yet he allowed someone so unstable into ever area of his life …risking even the most important thing to him …his career by hiring her to work WITH him as his business partner after her sob story about her being ‘afraid’ of the employer she had when she met him!

    Noone ‘s safety was his concern …not health wise , financially or physically ..he even allowed this woman to meet our young daughter! Something my daughter now years later recalls as this woman having been ‘creepy’ ! That was over twetny years ago and my daughter remembers this ..almost immediately upon the revealing of this adultery~!

    It is hard to understand how a man with EVERYTHING could put it at risk….we continue to live under this shadow as he is afraid of what she might do if we were to deplete support down to what we can handle and what is legal …and he has a life insurance policy on his own life that SHE owns…so we either would have to cancel it ..which may cause a riot…or make other arrangements but at this time it would be more money for less coverage..it was supposed to be for the support of the kids should anything happen to him

    My daughters and I feel this is a very dangerous thing since she is so unstable…

    My husband has done such a stupid thing and put ius all at risk ..and no laws are in place to protect the victims of adulterous spouses for this kind of thing.

  2. AWK I just realized that the movie “Fatal Attraction ‘ played in 1987.,,,,so ,,,despite the fear that it caused in my husband he actually did not heed it! That makes his decision to have a ‘mistress’ even MORE disturbing !

    He started up with her in 1992 he says …after moving to the area where they met…..if that is true which I believe it is as I googled her addresses online …she did not live in our area that we lived in before this and they had no background of contact that I could find.

    1. Although Fatal Attraction was another fictional Hollywood story, it does illustrate some truths about affairs. It shows what can happen. With the increase in social pressures, my suspicion is that we will see more ‘real life’ Fatal Attractions in the coming years.

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