Saving my marriage

In going through some of my notes, I rediscovered a notable quote. On rediscovering things, it feels like suddenly finding some buried treasure.

The notable quote was “Facts don’t matter as much as what can be believed.” On reading it, I immediately saw its application to your affair recovery situation.

When recovering from an affair, I could give you all the statistics on how long they last, the odds of the affair continuing, the odds of violence occurring and other information. All those facts fall on deaf ears when you’re hurting.

When you’re hurting, what matters is what you can believe. If you can’t see a future for your marriage, you’ll give up. Sharing with you the odds of your marriage making it won’t get anywhere if you don’t see a future. When you’re hurting, it limits what you can take in. You may hear something, but that does not mean it registers with you.

What you believe about yourself and your marriage are what matters to you. Those beliefs shape your choices and actions. Numbers and statistics aren’t going to motivate you in taking action on recovering from what happened.

You thought you were irreplaceable and now someone is threatening to take your place. That threat is more real to you than what researchers have found.

The discovery of the affair has left you numb and stunned. I assure you that you can make it past moments like this. Getting past it does require you breathe and take action.

Believing ‘it’s over’ only generates more negative energy around you. At moments like that, your needs suck the life out of those around you. When you surround yourself with that kind of energy, who’s going to want to be around you?

This is where my video on Getting Past the Affair Crisis comes in. It guides you through those tough times when you are adjusting your heart and mind.

The fact that you’re looking for help tells me that there is part of you that believes there is hope for your marriage. I want to encourage that part of you. The information in the video gives you the tools you need in making it over that initial hump.

I want you to order your copy today and start changing what you believe is possible in your marriage.

Keeping It Real,




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