Spyware and Affairs

With cellphones and GPS, it is easier for spouses to track each other. It is becoming more common and technologically easier for spouses to spy on each other. I came across a recent article that addresses this issue, documenting how easy it is becoming. The article likens the present spy gear availability to being more like an arms race. If you value your privacy, you will need to be aware of such issues. It may not be your spouse tracking you, it could also be a sociopathic lover looking to stay in relationship or hunting you down. Being fore-warned is being fore-armed.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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6 Responses

  1. Wow, Just WHY PRUDENCE ….counting the cost …and thinking ahead of all the reasons ..the MANY reasons why cheating is such a stupid idea…..seldom does prudence or wisdom come across the horizon of those who enter into the danger zone of even ‘appearing’ to do such things

    Here is a list of why NOT to cheat

    Your soul
    Your spouse
    Your children
    the soul and life of the OP

    The community that perceives less and less ‘loss’ to themselves and others because of the tacit or obvious ‘approval’ of sin

    Gee….also Illness….DEATH …

    Dangerous senarios….such as another partner in the crime of a ‘set up’ for extortion….CON artists often have accomplices as they seek the clueless prey with hot pants or discontent.

    So many various senarios of WHY NOT to CHEAT…

    Bank Account access often ‘lifted’ from the CS ….

    Access to spouse, children and house

    Access to career ….threats to what may have taken years of effort to build….

    Effects upon younger generations view of the value of marriage, honesty and all other virtues upon which life and even society in general has been strengthened, built and sustained.

    One statistic I recall hearing about the effects of homosexual sin upon society as it was claimed that what goes on between two ‘consenting adults behind closed doors does not effect anyone else’

    The ‘payback’ to society was said to occur around the age of 30 and onward in terms of payment toward the maintenance of shared benefits of a community…all enjoyed up to about that age without having put back from one’s industrious work ….but among the homosexual community the rise in illnesses basically that come about from the lifestyle choice of sexual behavior …much of which is not just sexual sin defined in homosexual activity but other aspects…violent homicides…said to be much more violent and included more mutilation than those committed among heterosexual domestic homicides…

    These were from a source long past in my reading ,..but aside from the knowledge of the spiritual depth of depravity that is at work in sexual sin ….many scoff that there is any difference in the ways homosexuals behave relation-ally,

    Promiscuity among homosexuals is also profound and wide spread….that was a while ago…perhaps heterosexuals have ‘caught up’ as our society has been normalizing and now intentionally desiring to legalize sinful sexual practices….

    Debate [ Dialogue] toward consensus does not change TRUTH. Search more on Hegelian Dialectic…When there is ‘no God’ today’s” tolerance” becomes tomorrows rule…Or as the scriptures state ….Fools rule…for the ‘fool has said in his heart there is no God’.

    1. Zaza,

      Prudence would go a long way. The sexual revolution brought two major problems with it. 1) It changed people’s thinking about sex. It made sex a recreational activity that is done for fun, rather than a procreational activity that is done for love. 2) The issue that is often not discussed, even in many churches are the consequences of adultery and promiscuity. Sure they talk about VD and the break-up of marriages, but what is not discussed are the spiritual consequences. Sexual sins pollute the land along with the people. They bring a curse with them that impacts the property where they live and their community. This is not the place to go into detail about it. What I can say is that there are very serious consequences spelled out in the Bible that are not being discussed.

  2. I guess the point made by those stats is what about the time in life where a person begins to ‘pay back’ his ‘debt’ to society is when the sexual sinful lifestyle begins to take it’s toll…so yes..>Society IS effected by the choices people make behind closed doors ‘consenting’ in that if not even counting all of the ways it is costly to body and soul …it is a fiscal deficit ….thus what goes on behind closed doors between two consenting adults ” DOES indeed matter !!and IS indeed damaging ….

    God does know best!!

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