Lessons from Cypress

In reading the news from Cypress, many people are outraged at how the banks are seizing money from the accounts of their customers. The stories reminded me how there are many lovers who take that amount and more from the cheater, yet the level of outrage is not the same. For some reason, when you are taken to the cleaners by a bank or charged outrageous fees, there is more outrage than when a lover takes more than that from you and your spouse. Perhaps the shame of the affair keeps you from getting ‘lit up’ or passionately livid over the outrages committed in the name of an affair. It seems that if a greedy bankster takes your funds, there is passionate anger, yet if the lover sneaks into your life and steals the same amount or more (more than likely it is a lot more), the reaction is calmer. Your spouse, who would also express outrage at the bankster pilfering of money is now subdued and downplaying the affair and its costs. They are trying to calm you down, when it is they who should be angry and enraged at what has happened.

Perhaps it is easier to vent your anger toward an anonymous banker than it is someone who slept with your spouse which they are personally acquainted with.

You need to count the costs. As brazen as it seems, some lovers are only in it for the money. They want to milk your spouse for all the funds that can gain access to. These lovers use the affair to get money. The affair is a tool. The lovers in the relationship for the affair have the relationship as their main goal. Having the relationship as the main goal is a romantic idea that plays well in the movies, yet the reality is that many affairs are more about money and blackmail than they are about good sex or emotional needs. They lover may be using sex to get into your bank account.

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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