Affair Warning Labels

Although the government requires warning labels on many products for public safety, there are no warning labels required for affairs. This is unfortunate since affairs ruin more people’s lives and health than many of the products that currently have warning labels.

I pondered this realization of no warning labels on affairs and considered what kinds of warnings should be on a label.

Affairs are dangerous to your health. With the possibility of STD’s any affair has potential health risks. Besides exposure to STD’s, there are also the increased blood pressure, stress and stomach pains associated with the common somatic reactions to affairs.

If Big Gulps and electronic cigarettes have such warnings, why not affairs. They can ruin your health worse than a big gulp, yet they have no warning.

Perhaps the city of New York should’ve had all the hustlers and prostitutes have such warning labels attached to them. When businesses came to the city and saw all the labels, then conventions and meetings might not be so lively.

-Affairs have hidden costs. Although the government mandates yearly operating costs be posted to many appliances, if such labeling were required for affairs, the posted figures may give some concern. Consider that lawyers fees for a divorce can be $2000+, that counseling can run you $1500 plus, that investigative services can also add $500+ to the bill.

So, you can expect $4000+ yearly operating costs associated with an affair. If you knew that just operating an appliance would cost you that much in a year, you would not likely buy it. In the case of an affair, engaging in an affair will easily cost you that much or more. Imagine if every divorcee, sleaze or hunk had ‘truth in labeling costs posted on them! If the cheater saw the cost of the lover, they would not find them so attractive.

-Affairs need operating instructions. Consider that many pesticides have warnings that when they are used in a manner other than prescribed, that there are penalties. If affairs had warning labels that when relationships and people are used in ways other than prescribed, that there are penalties associated with them, it may may people think twice.

Although many of those labels are ignored, it would still give the public advanced warning and notice about how there are risks.

These are just a few observations on areas where we have mandated warning labels on products whose risk pales in comparison to those posed by affairs. If there was really truth in labeling, then affairs would carry a high risk warning proclaiming all the potential dangers that could occur.

Sadly, we put more emphasis on reducing risks in areas and on activities that are far less dangerous than affairs, while the really high risk behavior is not labelled, flagged, tagged or have any associated warnings with it.

Best Regards,


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