The Polyamory craze

You may or may not have hears of the latest relationship trend in many areas. It’s polyamory.(Here is a story from CNN on the trend) In the area of human relationships, much like fashion, there are fads and trends.

In some ways, it seems as if some of the influential people in society get bored with traditional marriages. In facing the boredom, rather than improve their marriage, they instead find some new twisted way of indulging their hedonistic urges under the cover a some new fad or linguistic twists.

In the case of polyamory, it amounts to a long-term ‘love in’ if you are familiar with the old hippie mindset. I guess the hipsters have to have their own terms and trends.

In ‘polyamory’ terms like ‘openness’ are used making it sound like those who engage in it are more functional than the rest of us. It’s a way of making themselves appear healthier and more functional.

Those involved want you to accept their polyamory while they ridicule your traditional marriage. They are allowed to denigrate you, but you’re not allowed to question them or you’ll be labelled as being ‘intolerant’.

By referring to those who hold to the one-man, one-woman traditional view of marriage as ‘closed’, they’re putting the public in a logical bind. Many people want to be viewed as ‘tolerant, accepting and open’.

The desire to be liked or seen in a positive light is used against them. They are easy prey to those promoting polyamory.

Bear in mind that polyamory is only a new term for the old practice of polygamy. The main difference is that with polygamy, one person has multiple spouses.

In polyamory, one person has multiple sexual partners. The latest version basically only changes the ending on the term. They’re still sleeping around with multiple partners.

It amounts to new packaging for the old ‘sleep with as many people as you can’ mindset. In many ways it is the latest packaging for old hedonistic lifestyles or perversions they may be nursing.

The terms ‘tolerant, accepting and open’ used by polyamorists sound healthy and good. When the polyamory promoters use this, it puts those who have traditional marriages into the intolerant, non-accepting (rejecting) and closed categories.

This is nothing more than a mind game. It is like a carnival huckster playing a bait and switch game with your mind and values.

Once they get you to accept their terminology, they know that this head game produces fruit over time.

What they call, being closed amounts to nothing more than people having healthy boundaries.You are considered closed if you dare question what they’re doing or the healthiness of it.

It would be more honest to say that polyamory is the old profiligacy in new clothes. If they were honest, they wouldn’t refer to themselves as ‘open‘, but rather as having ‘unhealthy sexual boundaries’.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that when you’re aroused enough or under the influence of drugs you’ll sleep with anyone.

My former mother-in-law would use the term “Lord, any” in reference to what polyamorist call openness. The term “accepting” is the modern way of saying ‘we don’t turn away any kind of perversion’.

Do you want your marriage to be one that tolerates ‘any kind of perversion’ or ‘unclean act’?

Instead of ‘tolerant, accepting and open’, we need more marriages that have healthy boundaries, have healthy morals, take stands against evil, and protect those values. Be aware of this fad.

When your spouse comes home suggesting that the two of you try polyamory, or some friend recommends it, you now know what they are actually talking about.

If you’ve been caught up in the polyamory craze, there’s hope. In the video “Affair Trauma for Swingers” you’ll have the information you need in overcoming the associated trauma. You don’t have to continue experiencing the symptoms thinking something is wrong with you.

Best Regards,


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