You deserve to be bad… and other lies

I saw the movie, It’s Complicated, dealing with an affair situation. In true Hollywood style, there is a great effort to rationalize immorality. There’s an effort at making immorality normal and routine.

In one scene some friends tell the leading female character that “You’ve been good, you deserve to be bad (e.g. do something immoral)”. That same kind of rationalization happens on a daily basis.

People make excuses to have affairs. They view life as a giant scoreboard where they can balance out their good acts with their bad ones.

When you have enough points on the ‘good’ side, you can purchase an ‘immoral’ act from the other and not feel so guilty. By keeping track of your accumulated points, you earn the right of being “bad”.

This kind of logic may provide entertainment and sound good in a movie, but in real life, it devastates all the lives it touches. Such phrases may ease your conscience, but it does not make an affair right.

It says that you wittingly know that the action is wrong, yet you are choosing to do it anyway. That shows a premeditated act. Hollywood movies have way of desensitizing people to immoral acts.

Don’t fall for such rationalizations. When you have to face the consequences of your actions, spouting off something like “I deserve to have an affair” is not going to take the pain away.

Now, let’s switch gears: A lot of people give you excuses for affairs. That only glorifies having them rather than dealing with the consequences and hard questions. In my e-book, “Why Wasn’t I Enough?” I address the most frequently asked questions about affairs.

You need a dose of reality rather than accepting Hollywood immoralitly excusing as your truth.

Best Regards,


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