Why do they call it an affair?

Have you ever considered the reason for calling infidelity an affair? The word affair glamorized infidelity.  The word infidelity carries with it the whole connotation of ‘infidels’ and ‘loyalty’. It implies that someone has not been loyal to their matrimonial promises.  Those that have not been loyal are seen as infidels. The word infidel also has carries connotations of being either disloyal to your spouse or your religion or both. Since God ordained marriage, the act of disloyalty is an affront to both God and his institution of marriage.

By calling an act of infidelity an affair, many of the stigmatizing aspects are removed. The term affair also carries with it the implication of an attachment to the third party (who in previous decades would be referred to as the ‘home wrecker’ or even worse. It is not surprising that one of the worst cuss words refers to those who have illicit relations with mothers). By using ‘affair’, it almost sounds like a business arrangement. It sounds better than ‘sleeping around’.

It is painful to face the reality of marital infidelity. It is hard for those involved in having the affair and hard for the resolute spouse to face the painful reality of what occurred. Use of the term affair is part of the struggle they go through in coming to grips with what occurred. No one enjoys the pain of having to face what happened. If you partner had relations with someone else, there is a deep wounding that if difficult to recover from.

These are just some things to consider in coming to grips with affairs.

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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