Worn Arguments and Old Attitudes

When people took a stand for traditional marriage, some politicians dismissed their concerns about marriage with the derisive comment that those were “worn arguments and old attitudes“. When leaders hold such an attitude toward your marriage, and your desire for a family, it’s no surprise that they don’t take strong stands against infidelity, but instead celebrate it.

Elected leaders with such an attitude despise traditional marriages and families. They want different families and new ideas on what marriage is. Those ‘new’ ideas they like mean that there’s no room for your ‘old ideas and attitudes’.

It would be nice if the cultural and community leaders valued your marriage as much as you do. Although it would be nice, they don’t.

Expecting the community or politicians to help you save your marriage is wasted effort. Some elected officials have made it clear, that your traditional marriage doesn’t matter.

What this means is that during the times of discouragement and feeling alone during affair recovery what you will have to depend on is yourself, your support group and your God. During such times you will find out what you truly believe and how much faith you are capable of.

You’ll discover the difference between false hope and real hope. You’ll find out who really stands for marriage.

I suspect those politicians who consider traditional marriage a matter of “worn arguments and old attitudes” are too lazy to the work needed to make their marriages work. Making a marriage work takes reaching out, being honest, taking risks, and a willingness to swallow your pride.

You have to admit your mistakes and then be willing to make them right. Since most politicians do not want to swallow their pride, or be honest, they don’t develop the skills needed for a successful marriage.

They may have one for photo ops, and for titillating the press, but home life is not a healthy one. It’s easier for those same officials to dismiss traditional values in favor of living a life filled with ‘flavor of the month’ lovers and groupies that are willing to lick their boots and express their admiration with sexual favors.

Some of the groupie mindset associated with politicians carries over to other authority figures such as police officers, the military, firefighters, teachers, EMT’s and ministers. The hero worship of the groupies is often fun and exciting, but doesn’t provide a stable foundation for relationships.

Having a photo ready family makes for great photo ops, but when the press or crowds are gone, such relationships are filled with drama and conflicts. These professions are often at risk for ‘groupie love’ rather than solid marriages which is one of the reasons there are many affairs involving those in these professions.

Your choice is either a high risk of affairs along with public attention or the hard work of being honest, reaching out, and swallowing your pride that is needed to make a marriage work, especially after an affair.

Best Regards,


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