Do you recognize Evil when you see it?

Would you recognize evil when it is right in front of you? If you are like many, you probably will not and neither will your spouse. Evil often times shows up as attractive, filled with potential, and having good intentions.

Many affairs start off with good intentions or with some innocent actions. Those good intentions and innocent actions quickly go haywire.

One way they go haywire or out of control transforming the good intentions into something evil is through pride. With pride, you assume that you can handle things yourself. You believe that you can handle temptation or that one more drink or some risque situation.

You tell yourself that you’re an ‘adult’ and can handle it. Pride is one way that situations get out of control quickly.

A second way is when emotions enter the picture. Once emotions kick in, rational thinking and logic go out the window.

You may think you can handle a situation with an attractive member of the opposite sex, and then WHAM! The emotions kick in/switch on/power up/rev up and then…things change quickly. When your emotions start driving your actions, rather than logic, what was innocent, is no longer innocent.

A third way things become evil is when selfishness enters the picture. Selfishness leaves no room for others. Selfishness looks only to its immediate gratification.

Selfishness operates like a fun house mirror, bending and distorting everything around you.You think you can trust what you see, but don’t realize the effects of the distortion going on.

You begin excusing your actions based on your intentions or original plans rather than what actually happened.

Selfishness excuses and rationalizes anything that your eyes or heart attach themselves to.

Evil has a way of trapping people into another world. Evil uses chains made of shame and fear to keep you locked into its control. Evil is never honest or upfront with where it will take you.

Evil often has you choose immediate gratification over delayed gratification, it focuses more on your immediate sensual gratification at the expense of how it impacts or effects others.

Evil hides its true nature.

It is best to avoid evil, even when it looks good.

If you slipped into a relationship you never intended to, the video “Help for the Cheater: Starting the Road to Recovery” guides you in getting out of the mess.

Best Regards,


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2 Responses

  1. Couldn’t have said it better.

    Reminds me of the t shirt listing the attitude of some dogs…..[and people!]

    Goes something like ‘ If it looks like mine it’s mine, If it is in my house it is mine, if you drop it it’s mine, If I had it and dropped it , it’s still mine, ..etc…

    When a person finally decides to marry …they have a good paying job, several well behaved kids, a wife who stays in shape, keeps her mind sharp, does her best to keep her home clean and to save money by not buying anything she wants just because you have a successful career and growing bank account, THEN you DO NOT NEED ….another woman….you need to have your head examined and to examine your heart to be thankful you have such a life.

    So many in this world who do not cheat because they are thankful, and they respect GOD , their wives, their children, their parents , and THEMSELVES.

    They view their blessings as just that and the health they have to work at all when some do not have physical health and ability to do so.

    Those women who offer themselves to such a man they view as ‘a catch’ but are married ought to consider what kind of man will steal from his wife and family time, energy, money and help all of which he may offer to you since he is too selfish, lazy and lame to want to get into the family difficulties and sweat a little .

    I am thankful that you have found so many ways to express to people….[mostly the choir I suppose ] the timeless cluelessness of the cheater who doesn’t know when he has it good. Also to clue women in that the married man who is showing ‘interest ‘ in them is doing them no compliment. He regards you as an easy out for what real life offers to anyone who grows beyond the point of being coddled by mommy…

    Anyway …Merry Christmas to you my friend…may people wake up and count blessings before they consider the ‘option’ of entering into the life of someone who is NOT THEIR SPOUSE…but even if not married MAY be if they are left alone by you in order to be open to love .

    The sad thing is that woman who looks like such a great ‘vacation ‘ from reality is nothing of the kind and more than likely MORE trouble than the wife at home ever dreamed of being!

    1. Zaza

      I like the dog shirt slogan. (‘ If it looks like mine it’s mine, If it is in my house it is mine, if you drop it it’s mine, If I had it and dropped it , it’s still mine, ..etc…). It sums up infants and dogs (along with some cheaters).

      Thank you for your kind words about ‘expressing’ the many issues involved with affairs. Since you and other readers are often in and out, depending on what your needs are, people come, get what they need and leave. It continues amazing me seeing readership from around the world. There are many who either can’t comment or do not know what to say. Your comments give voice to many. Your pains, struggles, questions and insights are seen around the world. In that worldwide audience, your own sorrows are not wasted. Sorrows are never wasted when they help others to heal. My goal is giving people hope and direction. Sometimes that hope and direction is not always clear or direct, but those that need it, hear it.

      I have learned that adultery is a central issue of our time. Whether physical, emotional or spiritual, we all have to deal with adultery and its effects.

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