Buy new jeans and undermine your marriage at the same time.

On going through the news regarding infidelity, I encountered an article on how the clothing maker Calvin Klein is using infidelity to sell that latest jeans. I know for years you, like me have encountered numerous ads using sex to sell. Now it seems that infidelity is being used in selling jeans to you.

I guess that means that some of you are actually paying to have your own marriage undermined and weakened by infidelity. You could choose not to buy Calvin Klein products, but that may put you at risk for not being fashionable. It could be that being fashionable may mean more to you than preserving and protecting your marriage.  You now have a choice as to whether or not support those companies working against what you are trying to protect.

In the past, the same company used ‘patriotic’ themes to sell their jeans and underwear. Since they still offer such products, does that mean it is an American value or patriotic to have an affair? These days, all you have to do is slap the label “American Values” on a product to make it sell, be it a consumer item or a political policy. When it you put the vaguely defined label of “American Value”, it suddenly makes it acceptable and worthy of purchase.

In previous generations, “‘American Values” mean respect of motherhood, family values (complete with mother, father and children) and home-cooked apple pie. Now, it seems that “American values” consists of underwear and jeans that promote infidelity (which are deemed acceptable since they take a few photo shoots with the American flag in the background), driving the right kind of car and shopping at the approved places.

It makes me wonder how long it will be before cheater start defending their infidelity as ‘just being an American” or exercising my sexual freedom is “an American value”. Politicians have long known that you can use the term “American Values” to sell just about any program they want to bring into our lives. Apparently Calvin Klein and others have learned that the magic term “Americanism” can be used in selling you underwear and jeans as well. Now they are using infidelity in selling the same product. Using both “Infidelity” and “Americanism” creates confusion, and manufactures a connection between the two.

So will your next pair of jeans undermine your own marriage?

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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One Response

  1. Pick an ad these days ….any item….licentiousness has taken sensuality and sexuality further and further….hamburgers….to car sales and little old ladies lusting overtly….innuendo at every turn

    People…men in particularly need to become honest with themselves and guard their minds and hearts to avoid being lured to lust

    Children are seeing these things as the effort to sexualize the worldview and distract from the various activities in operation that is swiftly taking advantage of the distracted and clueless population which has been duped as to the purpose of life God the Creator has provided for His creation….man ….woman….who were to become One flesh united front for the nurture and instruction of a “godly seed”

    “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”

    The knowledge of the Word of God which has promised to equip a man throughly furnished into all good works

    Advertising is the porn of industry

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