Pop Culture vs. Your Marriage

When books like the Twilight series and 50 Shades of Grey are bestsellers, is it any wonder that your marriage and those of others are facing increased affairs and sexually related pressures? These books each sold millions of copies. 50 Shades of Grey sold more than 90 million copies alone, and the Twilight series was even more popular.

Think through those numbers. For argument’s sake, let’s assume 120 million books. That is 120,000,000 doses of highly sexualized material that is influencing marriages. When you have that much exposure to unhealthy sexual practices and people giving in to impulsive affairs and lust, it is no surprise that marriage problems and affairs start happening.

When those starring in the movie adaptations of Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey are impacted in terms of affairs, why are we surprised? Why wouldn’t they be? Let me guess—they are somehow immune or have special powers?

Books and the ideas they contain influence people. When the books are of a political nature, like those written by Thomas Paine, John Locke, Karl Marx or some other social or political writer, changes happen. Cities, churches and nations have been changed as a result of influential books. Some are deemed so influential that they are banned.

Instead of inflaming politics, these books inflame passions. They stimulate the mind and emotions. When the mind and emotions are turned on enough, it motivates you to take action. There is tremendous power when enough neurotransmitters are activated. This amounts to your brain and emotions being put into HIGH gear.

Think about this happening across the world. When you consider the impact of 120,000,000 books on your thinking and bedroom behavior, it is staggering.

In some cases, you might feel that your marriage is disappointing compared to what you read. In other cases, you may be inspired to engage in some of the behavior you read about. Either way, the books’ content influences your marriage. You buy the book and watch the movie because it ‘turns you on’. What you call ‘turning on’ or stimulating means that it is influencing you. It is also influencing your marriage, and your sex life.

If we were to think of that inspiration as a sexual virus, it has spread to the point of a pandemic. Not only has it spread far and wide, but its effects are intense and long lasting. What makes matters worse is that so few are interested in the antidote to that virus.

You cannot take in such material and not be affected. The effects of the ideas and images change your mind. The connections formed in your mind as a result of being exposed cannot be undone. They open your mind in a direction that you never intended to go. Once the pictures are in your mind and turned to the ‘on position, you can not defuse what you put into action.

When you have been exposed to a toxic virus, you need the antitoxin. You need resources that will help you restore intimacy and healthy communication. You need honesty, trust and hope. These are available in the Affair Recovery Workshop, which you can download and go through in the privacy of your own home.

The effect of 120 million books is immense. You are fooling yourself if you dismiss the impact, thinking it is just a story that won’t affect you. They do. If they did not affect you, you would not have bought the book. Stories do affect you. Given that it motivated you to open your wallet and buy, what makes you think it is not motivating you in other areas?

Stories have power. Whether they are in book or in the form of rumors. Even rumors of an affair can change people’s lives. Think about how a few misplaced stories could ruin yours. Instead of allowing the toxic effects of such books to continue poisoning your thinking, take steps to get your marriage healthy.

Best Regards,
Jeff Murrah


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