The Infamous Dear John letter

One of the more painful affairs are those of the disloyal spouse who has their fling while their spouse is serving over seas. A close cousin that is also painful are the soldiers who misbehave while their spouses are waiting on them. Each of these acts of infidelity are made worse by the strain on the relationship associated with military service. When someone puts their life on the line, I appreciate it and am thankful for it. My appreciation sours when there is hidden adultery in the relationship. Disloyalty under such circumstances cheapens all of it. It cheapens the sacrifices of the service men and women, it cheapens the service of police officers. It makes a mockery of it all. I know that some people fall for the uniforms. If a uniform is all it takes to get into someone’s pants, well,  it speaks for itself.

You may have been hurt by a disloyal spouse while serving. Dear John letters are a cold way of delivering such hard-hitting news. It disrespects what you are doing,  the marriage and you. The time you need their love and support the most, they are giving it to someone else. The fears you live with are made more intense by having to live with the uncertainty of the status of your marriage.

If you are needing help to make it through such times, you may want to consider my e-book on surviving your partners affair.

Best Regards and Thanks,

Jeffrey Murrah

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