I’m just being friendly: Flirting Lessons from a Game Warden

One of the most feared law enforcement officers is the game warden. Game wardens have wide jurisdiction and don’t need search warrants for entering homes.

They can check your license to see if you have the authority to fish wherever you’re at. Game wardens, also known as opossum cops, know when you’re actually fishing whether or not you say your fishing. When they see the poles, the bait and lines, they know you intention of fishing.

When the game warden shows up, there is instant accountability. They are the final arbitrator of what did or didn’t happen along with your intentions.

The game warden, not you, decides what’s illegal fishing.

Can you imagine how a game warden handles a spouse with wandering eyes. They tell you “I’m just being friendly when they start flirting.

First, they check to see if you have a license to go trolling in places that aren’t yours. An affair warden would know whether or not the person the cheater is with is someone they are supposed to be with.

When your spouse starts ‘being friendly’ with others, an affair warden would see through it.

Although you see what they’re doing, and others see what’s going on, they deny it. If the affair game warden was there, he’d see the poles, the bait and lines of someone fishing for an affair.

You can learn a few things from game wardens. One is that when you see intent, they have moved from being friendly to flirting.

When you see lines, in terms of sexual innuendoes, they’ve gone too far.  The sexual innuendoes are lines that lead to mental seduction.

When racy photos (visual bait) are sent back and forth, they’ve gone too far. Since visual stimulation is another form of seduction, waving it either through dress or photos is fishing for an affair.

You may have grown so used to the flirting, you don’t see it when it happens. You may have tolerated it, telling yourself “that’s just the way my spouse is.”

The most important lesson from the game warden is that inappropriate flirting is whatever makes you uncomfortable. You are the final arbitrator of what is unacceptable flirting, not them, not some magazine.

Those things you’ve tolerated or turned a blind eye toward change when there’s an affair. When the cheater goes too far, you can either stretch to their new behavior or pull back on what’s allowed.

If you need help in turning your relationship back around, consider the support community at Restored Lifestyle’. Talking with others and comparing notes helps you see things. Having the support makes a difference.

Best Regards,


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