Detect and Prevent Affairs in Your Relationship – Fix Your Marriage Foundation

When the foundation of your home needs repairing, you see many tell-tale signs. Doors don’t shut as well as they once did, cracks start showing up in the walls and simple things like closing the windows becomes challenging.

You’ve likely heard all the ads about foundation repair companies who point these things out to you.

Although you hear the ads for your home’s foundation repair, how often have you heard or considered marriage foundation repair?

When the foundation of your marriage needs repair, it shows signs and symptoms as well. The affair is a sign of MAJOR foundation damage.

People know when your marriage is in trouble when they visit your home. They feel the tension. They see the evidence of trouble. Even visiting family members can smell marriage trouble when they visit your home.

Many couples are at risk for an affair because of the crumbling foundation of their marriage. It’s important to be aware that this is happening and fix the problem before it becomes a bigger one. In this article, we will discuss how to detect and prevent affairs from occurring in your relationship.

The first thing to do is identify the foundation of your marriage. Is it love, respect, companionship? Defects in these areas alert you to any cracks in that foundation.

Does one spouse feel like they don’t have enough time together or sense of connection with their spouse right now? Couples still need time together. Without that time, you feel disconnected. Lack of connection or weak connection are evidence of foundation problems.

Are both of you happy and fulfilled within the bounds of your relationship? Accepting and living within those bounds is important. Even resenting those limits indicates strain in the relationship.

The next step is to identify the signs that you’re in danger of an affair. There’s a difference between flirting, which could be harmless or even necessary for marriage longevity, and serious flirtation, where one person starts spending more time with someone else than their spouse.

When you feel uncomfortable with the flirting, it’s a sign things are going too far. When the flirting takes on sexual suggestiveness, it’s gone too far.

There are other signs of trouble as well. When neither of you look happy, the two of you no longer look at each other with loving looks. There’s no more excitement in your eyes when your spouse enters the room. They see lines on your faces where the skin should be smooth and vibrant. Visitors can tell that neither of you are happy or are sleeping well.

Snarky comments are made and name calling has become more frequent. There are cracks in the communication between each of you. The two of you joke at each other’s expense.

Instead of building each other up, you tear each other down. Things may be crumbling, but little has been done to fix it. The two of you choose to live with the emotional debris.

It’s no longer just a matter of not sitting next to each other, the two of you may even be sleeping in separate bedrooms.

The two of you may have even put on weight as you carry the emotional burdens of a marriage with a damaged foundation. You may have gotten so used to living with a broken foundation, that you are blind to these tell-tale signs.

This is where the video “How Can I Trust You Again?” comes in. Rather than suffering through another day, you can instead start repairing the foundation of your marriage.

Trust is THE foundation stone of your marriage. Broken trust means a broken foundation. The good news is the foundation of your marriage can be repaired. The foundation of your marriage can be repaired without making an appointment or obtaining estimates. You can start repairing the years of damage within minutes.

If the signs of damage are showing up in your marriage, the marriage foundation repair solution is available for you.

Keeping It Real,




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