Forced into silence about the Affair

A post from one of my friends on facebook struck a chord with me. His wife has some long-term health problems which they are very private about. Knowing her condition, he admitted that he considered many worst-case scenario situations and how he’d deal with them.

Eventually, he encountered one of those scenarios. His planning for it enabled him to navigate through it. When it happened, he was mentally ready for it.

When dealing with an affair, one of the worst-case scenarios for consideration is facing divorce. Although divorce is a worst-case situation, there are even questions then that you likely haven’t considered.

One of those scenarios is the question of whether or not you should be honest and tell friends and family the real issues leading to your situation. Your spouse and others often pressure you as the betrayed into staying silent.

At those times of emotional vulnerability, you are more susceptible to the pressure of those around you.  You need their support so, at those moments, their choices shape what you do.

Once again the cheater is taking a path that cheats the consequences. This time, they attempt to avoid the stigma of the affair. They may even enlist counselors or pastors in supporting their position.

It amounts to mafia-like coercion. They use threats and guilt in forcing your silence. Although they’re well-meaning, the forced silence only compounds the traumatic effects of the affair rather than lessening them.

If you choose remaining silent of your own accord, that’s one thing. Some of you want your personal life private, even when bad things happen.

On the other hand, when silence is being coerced, it’s a manipulation. In such cases, there’s healing in facing the truth. You faced a hard truth.

The stigma of the affair is one stain that the cheater needs to continue wearing. They need to face the truth of what happened as well.  When your silence comes as a consequence of threats or being traumatized, telling the truth brings healing.

Others don’t need all the details, but they don’t need deception and manipulation either.

Do you want to get past the trauma of an affair?

You’re not alone. Millions of people have gone through what you’re going through and it’s time for you to take back control. This video download is designed to help both those who are going through trauma and those around them understand, work through, and get unstuck from the emotional quicksand that surrounds affair trauma. The hands-on instruction guides you through the letting go process so that you can move on with your life without being stuck in a cycle of pain and obsession.

It’s time for healing! Get this video download today! Your purchase includes access to mp3 audio files as well as transcripts so that you can follow along at your own pace or read-ahead if necessary. We know how difficult it is when someone close betrays us like this but we also know there is hope for recovery – even after betrayal by a spouse or partner. Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting about what happened; it means releasing yourself from the grip of fear, anger, shame, guilt, sadness, regret…all these feelings will still be there but they won’t consume all your thoughts anymore because now they’ll be balanced out by peace instead of chaos. So don’t wait any longer – order now!

And remember no matter where life takes us next we always have a choice in how we respond to our circumstances – choose wisely!

In the video “Getting Past Affair Trauma,” I share ways of moving past the hurts and trauma. Part of moving past them includes no longer living in fear. Now is the time to strike for freedom.

Click and download your copy today.

Keeping It Real,


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