The Drain of Bad News

You can be drained of all your energy by bad news. Even if you’re not physically exhausted, just hearing some bad news can make you feel completely drained.

Remember that scene in The Princess Bride where the hero gets his life sucked out by the “machine”? Well, bad news can act like that in real life.

I’ve had moments when bad news completely killed my motivation. It’s like all the enthusiasm I had before just disappeared. And on top of that, it feels like I’m being sucked into a never-ending black hole. It’s a rough time, and during those times I really need some hope.

But you know what can make a huge difference? A few encouraging words from a good friend or a close family member. Those little cards, emails, texts, or phone calls can really lift your spirits. And for me, the more heartfelt the words, the more impact they have. Many days a reader’s email lift my spirit.

Bad news puts your relationships to the test. I recently read about someone whose husband didn’t want to work on their problems. She hoped he would at least give it a try.

And you know what? I totally get her reaction. It’s so hard to keep going when you’re faced with bad news. It’s the daily struggle that’s the toughest.

But giving up when you’re emotional is never the best idea. Your emotions are influenced by the immediate response to the news. It’s important to take some time to calm down before making any major decisions. Making major decisions when you are emotional is asking for trouble.

In my opinion, it’s a good idea to give it at least six months before giving up on your marriage in this kind of situation. That way, you’ll have a better sense of emotional stability when making big decisions.

If you’ve given it time and you’re still feeling discouraged, it might be worth considering if you’re dealing with Affair Trauma. In that case, there’s a helpful video called “Overcoming Affair Trauma” that can guide you through moving past it.

Just look at the bad news in The Princess Bride. Those draining effects were eventually overcome with effort and commitment. And remember, bad news will eventually come to an end, along with its draining effects.

Keeping It Real,


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