High Tech Swingers

A professional looking man

In a recent breakfast conversation, the subject of swingers came up. This isn’t surprising since people ask what I do and on telling them, the conversation changes.

What made this conversation different was that the subject of the “High Tech” swingers came up. The conversation included Andrew, who attended some of the “High Tech” swinger events out on the West Coast.

He viewed the ‘High Tech swingers’ as overflowing with ‘positive’ vibes and energy. They just felt so ‘positive’ and were just ‘overflowing with love and authenticity.

 The event included pre-measured doses of MDMA (ecstasy)  and mind-altering drugs as part of the events leading up to the swinging.

In the name of fostering creativity, the drugs enhanced the ‘positive vibes’ and sexual performance of the participants.

Although my initial reaction was surprise. After some thinking about it, many affairs begin under the guise of being a ‘positive experience’. Even trolls justify their affairs to me talking about how they are ‘positive experiences.’

The trolls and high-tech swingers view themselves as smart enough to bypass the consequences that ‘weaker’ people have when sleeping around. By tinkering with their brain and chemical makeup, they short-circuit the natural systems inside you.

By chemically bypassing their bodies, you hook up with whoever else is feeling ‘positive’ without having to deal with things like attraction or guilt.

To keep the participants from natural consequences, drinks containing other chemicals balancing out the side effects of the mind-altering drugs were made available.

I wonder if those taking it take into consideration the potential long-term effects of brain swelling and kidney malfunction that come with the exotic chemical cocktails they are ingesting. I doubt that when amid a drug-induced altered state they consider that long-term use produces concentration difficulties and heart disease.

I also wondered about the long-term impact of such mind-altering chemical use. These are people, not some kind of machine whose performance can be tweaked with chemical additives. The longer and more routine the use, the greater the danger.

It also concerned me that if the wife swapping was so ‘natural’ and freeing, why were so many mind-altering chemicals used in such controlled dosages?

It’s not uncommon for people to seek out new and exciting experiences, especially when it comes to their sexual lives. However, the use of mind-altering drugs in these types of events raises questions about consent and the true nature of these encounters.

When what you do needs so many additives, it’s not good for you, no matter how noble the cause. Going outside of the boundaries of your marriage has consequences. When you break the boundaries you end up paying for it.

No amount of alcohol or drugs takes away the consequences of crossing those boundaries. Your body still knows when things aren’t right.

Instead of using substances to mask or enhance experiences, you need to consider the long-term effects and consequences of your actions. While experimenting with mind-altering drugs may seem like a fun and freeing experience in the moment, over time it can have serious negative impacts on health and well-being.

It is also concerning that some people feel the need to use mind-altering drugs as a way of reducing anxiety and potential guilt for what they are doing. Just because you change the emotions does not automatically mean what you are doing is the right thing.

If you struggle with the consequences of affair trauma, the video “Overcoming Affair Trauma” will help you get back to who you were before. Order and download the video through the link.

Keeping It Real,


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