Thoughts on the Theology of Cheaters

Over the weekend, I spent some time thinking about the theology of cheaters. Cheaters come from all kinds of backgrounds and belief systems. Even though they come from these many systems, I pondered what they share in common.

I have not come up with a definitive theology of cheaters. I did find some common threads.

One common trait is that cheating is not wrong for them. They may profess that cheating is wrong, but at the time that they engage in it, they make excuses for either themselves or their situation. The like the idea of a loving God or if not a loving God, they want a God that approves of what they are doing. They do not like the idea of a God that will hold them accountable for their morally corrupted actions. They do not have a God that is holy and disapproving of infidelity. If they did, they would recognize that their infidelity was not only against their spouse, but against their God and risk alienation if not ostracizing from both. In order to keep their belief system in tact, they often have to either change their view of God, God’s view of infidelity or somehow make excuses for their case or situation.

Some have even gone so far as to identify their lover as the ‘sinful’ one who ‘led them astray’. It may be that they were tempted, but that does not explain why they keep going back to the sinful person knowing full well the consequences of their actions and choices.

The subject needs some continued exploration. A blog post does not cover all the aspects that need attention on the matter. I did want to share what I had come up with so far for your consideration in understanding cheaters and their thinking.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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