Cheating Presidents and the example they set

What do Presidents Bill Clinton, Warren Harding, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Dwight Eisenhower have in common? They were all had affairs which were discovered. These political leaders all cheated on their wives. I find it interesting that with these men, historians focus on what policies they put in place and rarely mention the damage done to their families with their peccadilloes. When you see the list, you may think that they were great men. The question arises, how can they be ‘great’ when they could not stay loyal to the promises they made to their wives? They use some of the same lame excuses often thrown up by cheaters, like yours. They talk about their job, or their fame or the needs of others which all come before you. When popular culture continues reverencing and revering such men while excusing their infidelity you have to ask “What kind of values are they promoting?” The value that what matters is what you do for the public good and your employer is more important than your family and your wife is the package being sold to the public.

When you lift someone up as a role model and have their photo displayed far and wide, you start to behave and act like those you surround yourself with, including the person whose photo is on the wall. Before you blindly endorse these men as heroes, consider if what they achieved is worth the adultery. Although you say that you do not like cheating, you may even say that you hate it. Each of these men sold out their marriages and morals for something. They sacrificed the sanctity of their marriage for some ‘greater good’. Is there some greater good that you are willing to give up your spouse for or is your marriage more important than any job or career achievement?

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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3 Responses

  1. This reminds me of the little book my mom gave me ” As a man thinketh so is he’ …it is based upon the scripture of the same sentiment..

    Another person who taught Bible declared ” What you focus on you become’

    And the Bible tells us pretty much that same thing ….”Casting down vain imaginations and every high thing that holds itself up against the knowledge of GOD and be ye transformed by the renewing of the mind’

    ALso ‘Evil companions corrupt good morals’

    Companions in this case is what as YOU have pointed out …whatever is held up as an example of the values of a people that is thought of as respectable or good.

    Indeed someone else once said a nation gets the leadership it deserves and is reflective of it’s people ….this being the case we have some fearful and difficult realities to face.

    1. Zaza,

      I think I know that book. It also has saying like you sow what you reap along with if you sow sparingly you reap sparingly. I find that the sowing sayings have many applications regarding affairs. Each of those infidel presidents have sown some destructive seeds that have burdened the nation and we all have to live with.

  2. Yes that is so. Some people would say ‘why did God allow this if he is all powerful and all knowing ….? ” My husband said something similar ‘Why did God let you marry me if he knew I would cheat?”

    Astonishing ….people want it both ways ..they want the freedom to choose BUT they want to be controlled without their having to choose to do what is right! Or to learn what the right way is when it crosses their desires!

    Our nation suffers from the rising number of people choosing to go their own way and the consequences are piling up …the sowing of the WORD in a heart willing to acknowledge they don’t know it all and don’t always choose unselfishly or rightly would go a long way to avoid creating communities of infidels toward GOD which would strengthen rather than weaken the community [nation] as a whole.

    The assaults are upon those who now stand up to their own fleshly minds and say …”NO we are going to go the way GOD says not the way my carnal mind thinks ‘

    The “MANY” that Jesus spoke of are truly rising up to take the land and it is as a ‘flood’ which has some interesting expositions in the Word of GOD worth studying ….not a ‘flood’ of water but a ‘flood’ far mores destructive ..

    The waters of the Flood during Noah’s time killed the body …but the immorality of this age is destroying SOULS which is much worse than the concurrent destruction of the society and infrastructure.

    Those who follow the ways of the Lord may suffer during this apostate time but the continuing despite the pressure to ‘go along to get along’ and join the ‘every body’s doing it’ congregations of thought is no reason to abandon the pursuit of righteousness.

    Thank you Jeff for bringing to the forum of the “interweb” the things so much on the minds of those who are amid this confluent time of wickedness

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