Affairs, paranoia and friends

On reading a recent article that discusses Alec Bladwin’s initial reaction after a private voicemail recording was released and subsequent suicidal thoughts. He knew that the conversation would be used against him. In the aftermath of an affair, it is common for their to be suspicious thoughts and even paranoia. Such feelings worsen when there are any kind of legal proceedings filed. It is during such times that spouses are unsure of who to trust and who they can’t trust. During those times, spouses even become suspicious of their own children, family and friends. It is during such times that you need someone that you can talk with in an honest straightforward manner rather than keep the pain and uneasiness bottled up inside.

When legal proceedings are filed, it is as if you see a whole different woman or man than you thought you married. Phone calls and visits turn from innocuous conversations to potential material that may show up in court. When there is such an upheavel in close relationships, it is not clear who you can trust or what you can believe. One way to navigate through the confusion is to find friends who are honest with you and have your best interest at heart. Not someone who secretly wants your spouse behind your back or is only interested in your money, or wants to get you in the sack. You need people that are interested in helping you make the best choices, both in the short term and the long term. In some cases, you may need to develop not just one friendship, but a whole support network to help you through such times. You do not need someone who sides with you just to validate your perceptions, those kind of trained monkeys and parrots you can find at a pet store. You need a friend, who can tell you the truth and is not afraid of how you might react.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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