
Since affairs hurt people at a very personal level, the risk of revenge is extremely high. One of the major dangers is that there are often more people that want revenge than the infidel can keep track of. The offended spouse, the lover, the lover’s ex, family members of the offended spouse, etc. Affairs are often easier to jump into than out of.

Not only is it hard to predict who will seek revenge, it is also difficult to predict when, where and against who it will come. Some offended parties will attack directly. Others prefer indirect attacks which are designed to inflict peer and a sense of helplessness. The greater the offense, the higher the likelihood of vengeful retaliation. If you are having an affair with a married person the risks are even higher. Keep in mind that more than half of all women killed in the United States are killed by family members. In terms of men, 90% of men who are murdered every year are killed by acquaintances or friends.

These are high numbers which anyone who is planning an affair or involved in an affair should be aware of.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey D. Murrah

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