Living one day at a time

I have not found a way to live tomorrow when I am here today. Likewise you will not be able to solve tomorrow’s problems or even know what all the problems tomorrow will bring today. Part of the fallout of cheating is that it shakes up your world to the point that you may find yourself trying to ‘control’ tomorrow, fix all the problems that may come your way, and plan everything out rather than live the day that you are in.

Cheating robs you of your peace of mind. In the struggle to cope with that loss, you may resort to controlling everything you can. Control is a poor substitute for security. You were not able to control your spouse, so what makes you think that controlling time or tomorrow will be any easier?

Trying to control things beyond your control is a sure way to stress out and get frustrated. It is as if God and the Universe laugh when you try to control them. Rather than trying to fix tomorrow. Deal with today. Live today. Do what you can do to make today better. You can’t make your spouse stay with you tomorrow, but you can do something about improving your relationship TODAY.

Here are five things that you can do TODAY!

1. Take better care of yourself.

2. Call a friend.

3. Forgive either 1 hurt or 1% of your hurts. Let go of it. Write it down, say it out loud, then let it go.

4. Do something that brings a smile to your face.

5. Learn something about yourself. Rather than assume that you have all the answers, be willing to ask questions, then listen for an answer.

You will be surprised how many of the fears about tomorrow do not come to pass. Rather than allowing your imagination to work overtime about tomorrow, make today the best you can.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey D. Murrah

PS. I will be doing a free teleseminar on Tuesday, August 17 at 5:00pm EDT on “5 Secrets to Re-Gaining Control After an Affair”. You register at this link. The seminar will be via telephone or on your computer.

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