Cheating: calling it what it is

Although the movies and modern culture often glamorize infidelity, the hard reality is that cheating is far from glamorous. The media often attempts making excuses and justifying this behavior which destroys the families and lives it touches. It is not out of ignorance that previous generations considered adultery a crime. They considered it a crime because they knew what damaging effects it carries with it. You may think that such views are ‘old fashioned’ or unenlightened. It was not that previous generations were foolish or dim witted, it is more that the modern generation has fallen for the propaganda that cheating is ‘natural’ or that it is ‘a lifestyle choice’. It is destructive no matter what you call it.

How cheating is destructive:

1. It destroys trust between spouses
2. It destroys trust between parent and child
3. It decreases self-control of those participating
4. Cheating arouses strong passionate feelings of anger and revenge
5. Cheating encourages selfishness
6. Cheating betrays the marriage vows
7. Cheating breaks the promises you made to God when you married
8. Cheating rejects your spouse
9. Cheating disrespects the family of the home-wrecker
10. Cheating brings guilt and shame

As you can see, there is nothing glorious about it.

Part of overcoming the cheating will require rigorous honesty with yourself and your spouse. I address this in more detail in my e-book, “How to Survive Your Spouse’s Affair”.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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