Character and infidelity

After yesterday’s post, I decided on following up with an entry on character. Have you considered what kind of character it takes to avoid cheating? In order to avoid the trap of infidelity, one has to be loyal to their spouse. The cheater will also need to be honest with their spouse. The loyal spouse will also need to practice delayed gratification rather than giving into their impulses. The non-cheater is goal oriented rather than distracted by stimulating interferences.  Besides being goal oriented, they are determined to do what is right, even if it means loosing out on a good time or doing something morally wrong.

The non-cheater stays the course. They remain true to their spouse, to their morals, to themselves.

The cheater on the other hand, gives into their impulses. They say what they have to, even if it is a lie, in order to save themselves. They are easily distracted, allow their urges to control them rather than them control the urges. They may love their spouse, but “what they do not know won’t hurt them” often creeps into their thinking. They often are more interested in gratification of their needs, than staying ‘on course’.  They often develop double-minded thinking, where they espouse one set of values but live another. They may say the right things, but they live another way. They often act as if short-term thinking is more important than the long term.

With this comparison in mind, which type of person would make a better role model, the cheater or non-cheater? Sadly, the world often erects statues and monuments to cheaters, and ignores those who have remained loyal to their families.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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2 Responses

    1. Rollercoasterrider,

      There is a difference between the two, one is a matter of what one does and one is a matter of what values one lives. There should be a connection between the two, rather than having each be polar opposites. I also see a connection between the two in that what one does is often a result of what character they adhere to. Behavior is often a reflection of the character, even though they are separate items.

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