Programmed to cheat

Have you ever considered whether or not cheaters are programmed to cheat? It is well known that cheating is glorified in many popular culture movies, television and films. There is also the factor of advertising where sex is used in promoting many products that are presented for your consumption. With all these forces acting on people, it seems like they are programmed to cheat through all the suggestions and encouragement. If cheating is programmed, then how is it that many do not cheat? Are the non-cheaters impervious to the pressure? If cheating is programmed, how is it that cheaters are often selective about who they cheat with? If they are programmed, they would cheat with whatever comes around.

The pressure to cheat is real, and so is the resistance. The less people are governed by morals. the more they are governed by their passions. It is harder to find a moral cheater, because… when they have morals, they do not cheat. They have ethics that mean something. Cheaters can blame society, television, western media, advertising, and everything else, including you. They will blame anyone and anything as long as it is not them. The pressure to cheat is real, but they have free will. They can make choices.  You can argue against it, yet, if they did not have free will, then you can not explain the numbers of spouses who do not cheat.

There are also some who say that cheating is programmed into us as humans. In response, the question comes up as to why large numbers do not cheat. If there is biological programming, then you can not explain the couples who are loyal to each other.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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