“Are you my father?”

As a kid, I enjoyed the P. D. Eastman story (Dr. Suess series)  entitled “Are you my mother?”.  In the story, a lost young bird journeys across the landscape looking for it’s mother, which (warning: spoiler) it finally finds.  The story is entertaining. What I find scary is that often one of the tragic consequences of affairs is that there are many children who grow up with fathers that are not their own. There will likely never be a children’s book entitled “Are you my father?”. The topic is a painful reality in that many children grow up thinking that the man they call father is their father but is not their father. There are some men who courageously man-up and step into a role that some one else left, which is commendable. There are also some men who are fathers that never knew their children because the mother never let them know.  There are a lot of tough questions and tough situations that could have been avoided by not having an affair.

Honesty is often the first casualty of affairs. Although it is the first casualty, there are cases, where that casualty lasts a lifetime.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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