Which comes first, the lies or the affair?

Lies and affairs go together. The whole relationship is based on a series of lies from the time the approach, to the affair to the cover up. One lie leads to another. There are lies to you, to the lover, lies the cheater tells themselves. In the sequence of events, the lies come before the affair. Lies started before the affair, continued throughout the affair and are often used in covering up the affair. What this means is the lies do come first. In dealing with the affair, what does this mean? It means that the root of the problem is with the lies. If the cheater promises you that they will have no future affairs, yet continue lying to you, the root problem still exists and needs your attention.

In my understanding, the lust comes first. Once lust in embedded, then lies are used to satisfy the lust, which leads to the affair. More lies are used in both getting the affair to happen and covering it up. A tough challenge is when the cheater believes their own lies. When the lies become more real than reality, they are living in la-la land. Getting such cheaters out of the affair is ONLY the beginning. Once out of the affair, you have to get them out of La-la land as well.

Lies and affairs are both dangerous to the health of you and your spouse. Although you may have to deal with the affair first, the affair is often the by-product of the lies. You will need to do radical surgery and remove the root cause, in this case, the lies if you hope to no longer be tormented by fears of affairs.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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5 Responses

  1. I see this in the progression of our situation. I married a man who was not honest . He was a man who desired to be a fair minded man. Being ‘fair minded’ often leads to trying to spread ones resources of affection, time, energy and focus over too many territories

    I believe one of the damages that Humanism has done both IN and OUT of the church is to lead people away from understanding godly boundaries …both WHAT they are and WHY they are.

    I believe that the antithesis of what LOVE is, is lacking a concern to learn what boundaries are necessary to protect ones god given jurisdictions. The love a wife needs is what a man takes on as HIS responsibility to GOD and to his wife …and thus his children when he enters INTO marriage . The covenant of marriage is a distinct arena wherein HE may find all of his needs met as he stops being concerned about meeting his needs by USE of other of what is in our lives.

    The priorities SET and commanded for us to KEEP the ways GOD has set before us as to HOW life is to be lived is FOR our GOOD

    When people listen to the worlds way of deciding what is ‘needed’ and what is ‘necessary ‘ for us to DO with our lives then the first and second commandments get OUT of godly ORDER

    People make the mistake of believing WHAT THEY DO for others is FIRST because it makes them feel GOOD and POWERFUL .

    God said to love HIM with ALL our heart. ALL our soul and ALL our MINDS

    This is so that we become EQUIPPED with not just KNOWLEDGE of what ‘good ‘ is …but that we become taught by HIM and thus gain UNDERSTANDING which when applied to our decision making is WISDOM

    Many things and people in the world will try to solicit what belongs to GOD and what belongs to the SPOUSE …as marriage covenant is a “type ‘ of what our relationship with God is to be …and IS according to HIM an image of the relationship between Christ and his bride.

    The condition of our present world is the outcome of man believing HE is the ‘answer’ for everyone’s situations.

    We are told in scripture that we have been’ bought with a price , ye are NOT your OWN , be not servants OF MEN’

    To some that seems to be a contradiction for Jesus told his men ‘ he who will be greatest among shall be your servant’

    The confusion comes from not heeding the protocol of GOD …WHEN God is FIRST in our thoughts, and concern for doing what HE tells us is the right priority THEN we WILL be serving others well when we are OBEYING GOD and HIS directives.

    Humanism has brought about people feeling powerful , valuable and worthy by whatever they can do to ‘help’ others

    God has a distinct protocol for us to heed about who and what is our duty to walk IN HIS will.

    Sometimes staying out of situations where they would bring about the NEED for those in them to seek the LORD is best.

    Many times the situations that they are in are the consequences of REJECTING the Word of GOD because in HIS word HE demonstrates ALWAYS bringing warning BEFORE people step into sin.

    Looking back upon my own life I can attest to this even when I was not a believer .

    Without the word IN our minds and being concerned about what GOD Almighty wants of us …we do not recognize these as wisdom but often see them as intrusive to our own little ‘Idaho’ world of pleasure and plans.

    Indeed …a person who commits adultery has set is heart upon doing whatever ‘feels good’ in order for him to feel ‘alive’ or ‘involved’ when GOD has told us to ‘come out from among them’ being that those who want to please GOD and do what HE defines as ‘good’ are not going to act upon impulses of emotion but upon the laws of GOD which involved acknowledging the things GOD tells us are to be OUR PRIORITIES within the JURISDICTIONS we are in.

    Husbands ..just as new believers …are directed as to what is the MOST important in terms of their love, desire and energetic pursuit…>GOD first ..then their SPOUSE

    My own husband began to get this confused as he turned from learning the WORD which was the foundation of our relationship and marriage and was little by little led to regard his work and those working for him as his domain of concern. This led to more and more involvement in their personal and emotional problems

    This worked to cause him to divert his LIFE toward those outside of our marriage

    This also led to his disconnect which effectively set me aside….and when sexual desire arose in HIM ..he did not get the same kind of interaction that he once had …neither did I

    For a wife being neglected and then being denied access to the LIFE of her husband both in thoughts and in involvement with his life …DESTROYS security and thus desire for entering into physical oneness.

    Physical oneness is to be the outcome of mental , emotional and spiritual connectiveness.

    When that is denied what can be the outcome

    The pregnancy of our first child AND the entering into the Corp management training AND the terminal illness of his mother were only part of the beginning of this situation.

    More than pregnancy and his mothers illness I see that the training that Corporations do for their managment and then the elevating of those who are illequiped with the WORD to be wise in the face of sudden promotion to positions of responsibility and power …..leave a person vulnerable to ‘believe his own press’ as they say

    EGO and PRIDE are flames fanned by this sort of situation.

    He was taught methods of ‘managment ‘ which are nothing more than ways to MANIPULATE people and to mediate difficulties in the work place which demand compromise..or ‘consenses’

    You cannot ‘mediate’ God ‘s word…His commands are eternally set .

    Our understanding of them may be deepened as we go along but we are not going to agree to disagree when it comes to the rock solid truths of His word especially in covenant situations.

    Jesus Christ made the ‘EVERLASTING COVENANT ‘ that is salvation with all of it’s components that are required for us to study , learn and apply .

    We are given the authority to change those …we are to be TRANSFORMED to them as we learn them and apply them to our choices and lives.

    Man in his effort to BE god …has “A WAY that seemeth right but it ends in death’

    The Corporation has a systematic WAY that gets results FROM the human ‘resources’ toward their bottom line

    People agree upon being hired to conform to those demands in order to get a paycheck and possibly get some power over others.

    The driving force in business is the bottom line which many have been run through with many sorrows in persuit of one way or another. Either by giving up their souls to satisfy managment with compromises of the moral compass within ..or by way of learning to manipulate others for the dubious ‘reward ‘ of a ‘bonus’ for ‘results’ .

    This is what my own husband fell prey to as I observe the steps downward that he took when he departed quite emphatically from God and doing what GOD told us to do …study to show ourselves approved unto GOD a workman that needeth NOT TO BE ASHAMED …rightly dividing the word of TRUTH . 2 Tim 2:15

    Nothing wrong with advancing in one’s work. Nothing wrong with taking home a paycheck ‘a workman is worthy of his hire’ but when the ‘trade off’ is to apply what GOD intended for the FIRST relationships in ones life to the gain that the world promises…whether to gain relationships with others…or to gain promotions or gain more money and status …the affections of other people and approval of the “many’ then there is a GREATER COST to a persons life than they may have realized

    God tells us this …but a person who is not listening or caring what GOD has to say will be DECEIVED and he WILL DECIEVE HIMSELF

    Vulnerability to the ways that the world has to deter and to lead one away from what is best in life is vast and powerful and simple carnal flesh understanding is not equipped to realize what is being done and eventually the person becomes so focused upon the ‘carrot’ before him he does not see the ‘ditch’ , ‘pit’ …aka GRAVE that is just beyond the ‘great opportunity’ set before him

    The greatest opportunity we have in THIS world is to apply the WORD to all that seems ‘great’ in order to see how GOD views these demands upon our affections.

    Failing to ‘put eye-salve’ of the truth on ..we are blind to the truth of these ‘great opportunities’ and where they will lead.

    The ‘great opportunity’ of a promotion is not the problem …it is the greater opportunity that we can have through knowledge and understanding of God’s word and keeping HIS priorities as the foundation of his knowledge about HOW to assess whatever comes into our lives that keeps us on the right track , the safest way and certianly helps us avoid falling prey to our lust, greed and ego .

    Pride kept my husband from regarding the necessity to continue in the Word .

    This led to his entering into making ‘promises’ that he was actually not equipped to make as many of them violated his vow of ‘confessing Jesus as LORD and Savior ‘ and the vow to GOD to ‘love His wife and remain faithful to all that GOD had charged him with as a husband …and eventually a father

    Failing to keep GOD as the most important one to please he was led more and more to surrender to the pressures to please men …work ..rather than GOD and when that happened …I became just an annoying reminder of this …

    His conscience bothered him and since he felt it his ‘duty’ and ‘obligation’ to try to make and keep everyone at work happy …even taking on their personal situations as being ‘the fixer’ …spending inordinate amounts of income to show them how much he appreciated their efforts….at the expense of our family in both time , energy , focus and the financial supply GOD gave him to steward within the godly jurisdictions he was entrusted with …and his heart was taken away .

    All of those years he sited as when he didn’t “GET enough sex’ are documented with letters and diaries records where I tried in vain to get him to recognize how many areas of our lives he was neglecting and ignoring and often most emphatically telling me that I was not welcome in any other realm of “HIS LIFE”

    Being set aside for any and all ‘reasons’ that were justified as being part of his need to build his work ..became the platform for his eventual adultery …There was little need for him to worry about how it would look if he arrived late or was gone on a Saturday because long before he entered into adultery he had established this as what HE “NEEDED” to be doing to be able to ‘give us the life ‘ he wanted to .

    His attitude made me feel guilty for desiring to be a part of all that he was doing …or even to ask about it .

    He also set the standard for his privacy early on …no questions were responded to and if any response it was brief …non informational , and with an attitude that his life in most areas were none of my business

    I was raised to be polite, and to honor people’s privacy …even in our marriage I began with having been given what I thought was open access and SOON learned after our wedding that much of what HAD been open to me was then CLOSED.

    I am not sure but I think that some of what young men hear before marriage causes them to fear the changes that ‘their wife’ will ‘try to make’ when the truth is that GOD’S intention in marriage is for the TWO to be more and more UNITED as ONE …in couplehood

    Today’s young men , especially , but also young women now from the influence of feminism , fear to become dependent…..even psychologists warn against becoming too close or ‘enmeshed’ if I understand the term as I have been reading about it in various venues.

    Relationships are based more on ‘what can you do for me ‘ ? than what can WE do together for the best life that glorifies HE who created life and marriage for HIS glory .

    Certainly the world is NOT concerned about learning about nor applying what GOD commands…that is the whole point of the warning that THE WORLD is NOT OF GOD and HIS kingdom is NOT OF THIS world!

    Serving the Lord is not something that allows an INDEPENDENT spirit …the FREEDOM offered to us IN JESUS CHRIST is ‘costly’ as obeying HIM allows us to DISOBEY the LAWS of SIN …and death that the WORLD actually makes use of

    Flesh has this law of sin prominently working IN people’s minds…and thus to take upon us GODS throughts gives a huge contrasting exposure to what is HIS way and what is all that we THOUGHT was truth!

    This contrast has to be seen through the light of the WORDS of GOD and in order for that to happen one must be willing to hear and RECEIVE those words with the attitude that they are correct and all of our other perspectives are twisted …some forms of compromise which leads us to believe and act upon DECEPTIONS or also known as ‘COUNTERFEITS”

    My husband sought to FLEE responsibilities as they began to weigh upon him . The contrasting demands upon him were attractive to his flesh …when our marriage called upon him to make some personal fleshly sacrifices he turned from them ..thinking they were not justified…

    I was physically disabled during all of my pregnancies .being an ‘older’ mother at risk and having some physiological challenges that , as I told him I had not known I would have .

    His way of dealing with these was to assign them to me being INTENTIONAL ” and ‘EXCUSES ” for not having sex!

    This was ridiculous as one of the reasons we get married is that we want sex and do not want to have a sexual relation that is sinful and lacking in the way GOD would bring about blessing .

    There was nothing wrong with my desire …but that did not matter to him even as I tried to engage him in discussion about it .

    The Doctor tried to inform him but he did not hear it …

    Why ? I believe it is just as GOD tells us ..when the flesh is being more important there is little room for the way GOD would inform us as to what to do …or how to view a situation.

    Also when we first married we were very involved in ministry ..and he worked with a man married for over 45 years ..

    When he began to work in an office and become soon after a manager …going through training and in a matter of months became manager of a very impressive office..all of that PLUS the close proximity with women …became his template for HOW WOMEN {plural} “should be’

    One of the verses I think is really telling here is where GOD tells husbands to ‘live with your wife in an UNDERSTANDING WAY …” that emphasis is ‘YOUR WIFE ‘

    Men also are told to be ‘ravished with their WIFE ‘ ….

    When men work along side many women ..they begin to relate to WOMEN rather than the WOMAN they are married to ..it skews their view of what is ‘normal’ and ‘acceptable’ as far as the female of the species is

    ONE of the problems of women entering into the business world that I recently began to consider is that women who are doing so have done this understanding they are entering what has been traditionally ‘man’s DOMAIN” actually it is not just ‘traditional’ but like all of the other tenets of humanism ..IT was GOD who set the domain of man and woman in ‘the beginning’

    This ‘setting up’ of the ‘domain’ of men and women was for our GOOD but like all other godly priorities MANKIND has turned this on it’s head.

    Women entering this domain began to apply the same attitudes and forms of relating to men AS MEN do .

    There are distinct ways in the business world to ‘get ahead’ and to ‘get along’

    For women …this meant changing their ‘ways’ …emotions which women were wired by GOD for the purposes HE had ..had to be managed and suppressed…acceptance of the ‘good ol boy’ networking tactics became imperative if a woman was to be ‘taken seriously’ …tears were seen as manipulative

    In marriage if a wife then was brought to tears then the attitude was ‘she is trying to manipulate ‘ or ‘she is too sensitive’

    Men did not arrive at this conclusion until women began to invade their territory and try to beat men at their own ‘game ‘

    The realm of men’s domain involves competition , secrecy and dominance…The striving to ‘win’

    Once women began to INVADE the territory once held my ONLY MEN …Men RIGHTLY had their view of woman change/…and this carried back to their homelife

    Caution and protection of ones self works in WAR , BUSINESS and COMPETITION but it is DEADLY and DAMAGING in the arena of marriage relationships

    THIS too has been one of the damaging effects upon our marriage not just from his career but now as we try to heal from his 14 year relationship with the OW …

    ALL of how he was ‘trained ‘ to expect a woman to BE has been from his relationships with other women AT WORK and IN the work place…AND also THIS WOMAN whose agreement to be his mistress skewed his view of what a relationship IS .

    Her being agreeable to e his ‘side ‘ person encouraged him further to ‘compartmentalize’ a term that has NO place in LIFE as GOD has set it before us

    LIFE is about UNITY …GOD is ONE ….the marriage covenant makes TWO …ONE LIFE

    The compartmentalization is also mentioned as GOD tells us ‘a double minded man is UNSTABLE in ALL his WAYS”

    A DIVIDED HEART is a RUIN to any person

    NO man …NONE can SERVE TWO masters ..or two wives…or TWO of any thing …they will either HATE the one and love the OTHER …..

    This enmity is seen as my husband COULD NOT remain around me for long …the conscience within charged him with his derelict of duty to GOD and to me …and eventually our children

    THE ‘easy ‘ out ..the comfortable option’ the pleasure to be had by ‘no strings’ sexual offering by this accommodating ‘ woman TOOK HIS LIFE AWAY .

    Soon SHE was the ONLY person he could feel ‘loved him ‘ just the way he was …HER sinfulness and enthusiasm for going against EVERY ‘convention’ made him feel great …NO condemnation hit his mind when he was with her…but as soon as he came home….he was “out’ in order to escape the gnawing reminders of his sin .

    I did not accuse him …I can only think of the things I DID try to remind him of and THAT was the way his busy life was robbing not just our children and I of the pleasure of his company …but HIMSELF of all that was going on .

    I reminded him ‘I did not get married to do everything alone’ ….and ‘ you don’t want to wake up one day and realize you MISSED your children’s growing years..they go by quickly ”

    He simply closed his eyes…and fell asleep while ‘listening to me’

    He was tired from what I thought was a long day at work ..it turns out …all those times I felt sorry for him having had to work so hard…he was simply ‘spent’ from just having come from his sexual stop over after work with his girl friend

    Further losses occurred as this woman did not ‘let go’ when we moved …and moved again…As he says ‘I never told her I would leave her ..and in fact told her I never would ..and I never urged her to follow me when we moved….It was HER choice ‘

    Well he did not discourage her either ..and when the one time I know of he said she told him she was thinking of moving back to their place where they first met …because she wanted to have a relationship where she could have children …” it worked ..to get him to say ‘ If nothing changes I will give you children’ !

    I asked what he had meant by ‘if nothing changes’ and he said he meant if she did not get involved and find someone!

    I said ..what were the chances of that happening when at that point you had been doing this ‘relationship’ for six years and you had hired her for the best ‘paying ‘JOB” she ever had ! Six figures…seems to me she would have been A FOOL to allow any other man into that gold mine!

    The ‘set up’ whether conscious or not …was a true SNARE ….and it worked …HIS lying and his desires and his suppression of even ‘good sense’ left him

    Today there are TWO children of that deception . She is not any kind of a ‘good mother’ or as he NOW sees she never was a ‘good person ‘ as he so emphatically told me right after D-DAY!

    NO ‘good person’ goes about using others this way ..and NOW he sees that she uses EVERYONE …even as she had those children in order to get him to support her life….and it IS HER life that ends up being what the money is spent upon …she continues to solicit his emotions now set upon the state of those children ..

    We send over 3000.00 a month ..which is for the house payment [ we apparently bought her a house…and continue to make the payments through this money ] and all other expense that are FOR the children …yet he has been given THEM a FOOD allowance because she does not buy food but can afford therapists for all of them ..

    You have already heard this …but for the context

    When a man is ‘trained ‘ to view women as a GENDER GROUP …it effects his view of HIS OWN WIFE and how he relates to her

    He did not give up information to all the woman at work ..and as he says he did not share any more of himSELF with the OW than he does with ME \

    To which I say ..SHE KNEW what he was doing ..all the while they CONSPIRED to orchestrate OUR LIVES .

    THEY in actuality managed what MY and our children s lives would be ..past …present and effectively future as their needs necessitate MORE losses in our lives…including what was supposed to be our ‘golden years’ …which I am NOW in …at 65

    The man I married was a kind, concerned , compassionate man ..His desire to ‘help others’ has all but ruined HIS LIFE and OURS.

    She goes on living the life SHE wanted and has continued to find other people to engage for her own purposes …and it works for A WHILE until they learn to see what is her core…

    But she has entangled OUR lives for the rest of not only my life and my husband but OUR children as well…all in their twenties and none married ..and now perhaps will never trust anyone with this since their father was MOST successful in having such a wonderful ‘father ‘ facade…..

    My kids know the biblical standard…and they are better equipped with knowledge about character and such …but their whole lives their father has been ONE way ..and it is difficult for them to trust what they hear and see ….

    I trusted the man I experienced as a ‘good man ‘ a ‘great husband’ and a successful and popular man …generous, lovable , charming , unselfish

    BUT the way that humanism works is to approves of ‘community service ‘ as the highest good ..which not only steals from what GOD has provided within the marriage in terms of taking care of ALL of those things THERE …but it also encourages the pride and necessity to keep up that facade.

    It is the ONE image that matters ,…and LYING within the closest and what are supposed to be the most treasured relationships soon becomes imperative …along with soliciting compromises ..

    Compromise when it comes to the duties of marriage and family only increase the needs for the community of mankind’s various ‘replacements’ for Godly ways these were to be dealt with .

    Today’s world is full of what man has put in place of the LORD …

    I did a study of the prefix ‘ANTI .” and it means ‘AGAINST ” but also more interestingly it means ‘INSTEAD OF ‘

    What does this say about the title of a ‘body ‘ of people …not unlike the body of Christ we read so much about in the Bible

    ANTI Christ is a ‘body ‘ made up of people who act INSTEAD of or IN PLACE of CHRIST in all ways that HE would be LORD .

    Something to think about and search out I think rather important in order to ‘stand approved before GOD ‘ in all things pertaining to life and godliness…which in eternal commerce is a PEARL of GREAT PRICE

    Are we willing to offer up the COIN of our hearts for HIS purposes or are we more interested in BEING the answer than KNOWING and LOVING HE who IS the answer?

    Lying is the ‘necessity’ of those who desire to ‘manage’ the lives of others in order to do whatever they want to do because they deem their own lives more important than that of any others.

    1. I agree with you that corporate models are often filled with problems. They are not good models to use for families or churches. Couples often have problems when they use corporate methods on their relationships.

      I agree with you that life is about unity. One of the challenges faced by Christian wives when their husbands stray is that of maintaining unity when faced with the temptation of usurping his spiritual role and taking it over themselves. Learning how to navigate through those situations is tough. When the wife usurps his spiritual authority, he quits listening to her, no matter what kind of wisdom she may possess. He can not accept it.

      In terms of your husband going to sleep on you while ‘listening’ to you, what often happens is that wives do not have their husbands’ heart and attention before telling them what they want them to hear. If one does do not have their husband’s heart and attention, then their words will fall on deaf ears.

  2. Yes….my I see my post this time was VERY LONG …guess you can tell I have a ‘lot to say’ ..and probably am capable of being long winded! hahaha..sorry …another ‘reason’ I suppose that a man may fall asleep

    I also agree that a woman who does not have her husband’s heart can talk all day and he will not ‘hear’ her…just as when Jesus spoke…He told them that they could not hear Him ..because they did not KNOW Him ….without giving your heart to know someone there is little chance of what you say being taken TO heart.

    My husband liked the IDEA of marriage and he like ME in terms of what HE dreamed life with me could do FOR him …as I look at all of his past letters to me wherein we wrote for a good year and a half while he was off at spring training …He painted a beautiful picture for me of our life SHARED together …but when the reality of marriage and the ways that a person must GIVE of the self to it came clear …HE COULD NOT …

    I believe he DID give me his heart ..but he had not given his heart to the LORD in truth

    What I mean is that some people like the IDEA of being a follower of Jesus and just as HE said in the parable of the soils [sower] SOME did not have ROOT …and the pressures that come up when called upon the submit to the ways of truth make demands upon them or the ridicule that others who do not follow the truth begin to happen …they are ‘outta here! ‘

    That is the problem we face when what other people think is more important than adhering to a moral compass.

    Our society has a real problem with authority and with honoring integrity in a person who sticks to a higher moral ground …and it is rampant as you very well know.

    I may not agree with the way a recent broadcaster commented upon a co-eds testimony regarding her desire for the government to pay for contraception ..but I AGREE with the conclusion he made.

    When people think that the WHOLE POPULATION should provide CONTRACEPTION and pay for their sexual choices …there is definitely something WRONG with this ..wholesale support of sexual sin has become ‘normalized ‘ and the media flood of sexual sin as daily entertainment in what USED to be regarded as family hour tv …sitcoms that are full of innuendo and not so subtle behavior that has made sin ACCEPTABLE or appear so …have the ‘ear’ and ‘eye’ of the public…

    I am not a prude…I came out of the 60’s and I was a performer …I SAW and sorrowfully have a lot to say from experience…so my testimony is one not of simply parroting what someone told me …

    That is one thing that the LORD does in His word…shows both sides of sin so that we might become WISE and AVOID …but most it seems have to learn the hard way …

    All instances where I was about to fall ..I now have to say I have remembered SOME form of warning or interruption to try to get me to change direction ..sometimes it made an impact ..some times it took me a while

    But when I FINALLY began to seek out truth …and then saw my NEED …then I diligently desired to know …and know FROM HIM ….and I learned more and more why knowing HIM …and learning FROM HIM through HIS word ..and then having to APPLY what I was learning was not just right …useful for being able to LIVE but it was making more sense than to keep doing stupid things just because the WORLD seemed to think it was fun …

    What is enjoyed while we are not listening to the wisdom of GOD is going to continue to please as long as we are not listening …it “WORKS” to keep us IN it . That is the way the SYSTEMS of LIES work

    BUT when we start to invest ourselves in the process of paying attention and learning from the WORD what GOD wants to teach us about HOW to live. .we start to SEE sin with greater and greater accuracy …it becomes more and more well honed …the narrow road gets ‘narrower’ as God’s view becomes OUR view

    Sin is not just ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ it is EVIL because so much of it does not APPEAR to be harmful!

    It KILLS …by way of appearing to be ‘good”

    God is gracious to allow us time to respond to HIS OFFER of time to turn and to seek and to study with urgency to find out why it is all so important ..this difference between what man says …and what GOD says …is HIS will for what HIS definition of LIFE…is .

    May those with ears to hear HEAR ..because there will be NO excuses for why people have ignored seeking out for themselves what GOD has made available ..not today ..not ever

    Especially not since Jesus CAME ..past tense and exposed the darkness and what lies look like.

    NOW everyone is called upon to seek HIM …and so when we have seen this to be true ..how shall we NOT speak the truth …in love ..and frankly …it IS love to speak the WORD … especially since few want to know it …and thus …a person does ‘lay down his life for his friends’ when he speaks this Word because it is RISKY …many will turn and rend…or revile…but it is not US they refuse to hear ..but HE who is their LORD..

    “Killing the messenger’ is nothing new.

    Mat 5:11 Blessed are ye, when [men] shall revile you, and persecute [you], and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

    I have witnessed this sad state among people over the years….

    Mat 13:15 For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and [their] ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with [their] eyes, and hear with [their] ears, and should understand with [their] heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

    2Ti 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;

    but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

    2Ti 4:4 And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

  3. Quickly after reading your entry ” Which comes first, the lies or the affair? “, I definitely made the decision to book mark it on Yahoo. This is definitely a wonderful information to share with my classmates and friends

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