Knowing what to look for

Living in Texas, I’ve seen quite a few oil wells. I’ve also met and mingled with many oil field roughnecks and people in the oil business.  Being around them, you learn a few things.

When you are looking to invest in oil wells, do you know what to look for?

What signs or signals alert you to the latest oil discovery?

Do you wait for a story in the news about a new oil find is announced or odd changes with consumers? If you wait for the announcement, you’ll find yourself competing with others for the choicest oil wells to invest in.

By the time the news is out, you and everyone else like you’ve missed out on the lucrative deals.

If, on the other hand you paid attention to odd changes in consumers such as a spike in ketchup and hot sauce sales in an area where oil is being looked for, you’d find yourself ahead of the crowd.

Knowing the signs to look for makes all the difference. You’d be in a position to find some good deals on oil wells before the crowd arrives.

When oil field workers swarm into a town or area, you see strange changes in the groceries being purchased. There are sudden spikes in sales of condiments and foods they consume, like spikes in hot sauce and ketchup consumption.

What this means is that you’ve got to know what to look for. Knowing what to look for gives you an edge on oil well.  When you look for the wrong thing or wait until it’s too late, you miss out.

When it comes to affair recovery, do you know what to look for? Although you want the threat gone for good, how can you be sure? How can you know if the cheater has actually made a real turn around?

I suppose one way is to hire a private investigator or follow the cheater yourself. Keeping them under surveillance is taxing. It’ll wear you out. You’ll be working harder than they are at reducing affair relapse.

If on the other hand, you knew what early warning signs to look for, or patterns of trouble, it would save you a lot of stress. You can do it the hard way or benefit from the experiences of others.

In the video, “Overcoming Affair Relapse”, I share what you need to be looking for that will tip you off before another affair happens. You can have a heads up before things get out of control again.

Rather than being caught off guard, you can instead know what’s coming. When you know the patterns to look for, you can almost predict future events.

Keeping It Real,



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