Hoping for a miracle versus believing in miracles

After the affair, you may find yourself ‘hoping’ for a miracle. You want things to somehow change with a minimum amount of pain. You want the intimacy to return, you want your spouse back, you want your life back. Wanting that magic and hoping in such a miracle in natural.

The challenge consists in whether or not you ‘believe’ in such a miracle enough to make it happen. Are you willing to take action on it? If you are, there will be discouragement, since one of the early obstacles is the ‘death of the vision’ or the loss of hope. When you realize that it is just one of the stages on the way to make the miracle happen, you can get through it. It is at that point you find out whether you are hoping for a miracle or believing in a miracle. Believers work through it, the hoping and dreamers often give up, preferring to live in the la-la land of their fantasies rather than make it happen.

Miracles require hope AND effort. You have to be willing to put forth the effort in order to make it happen. You also need to have a clear idea of what you really want. You may find that you get what you want, yet have sold your soul in the process.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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