Multiculturalism and marriage

Multiculturalism is destructive to your marriage. The basic idea that all viewpoints have merit, means that the lover, the cheater and you all have equal validity to their concerns. It means that the lover has as much rights to the cheater as you do. Multiculturalism would question what gives you the right to have superior rights to your spouse. They would claim that your holding onto out-dated moral ideas of the exclusiveness to your spouse is out of date. When you live in a culture that thinks multiculturalism is good, while trying to hold onto your marriage, something will eventually give way. You will either have to give up tolerance of multiculturalism or give up the exclusive rights to your spouse. Trying to have both will eventually create a crazy making situation.

The cheater may be falling for the deception that “all viewpoints” have equal validity. Although that kind of thinking may put off feeling guilty for their sleeping around, there are always consequences. They may not wake up to the consequences until they loose their health, family, marriage and eventually, their soul. Affairs have a way of destroying the cheater from the soul outward. The cheater may try to deny the cancerous destruction, but it will come. The destruction starts with holding onto ideas that are detrimental to your marriage. They may be motivated by selfishness, ignorance or just wanting to fit in with the “with it” crowd when they first accept dangerous ideas. Ideas always have consequences. Ideas about marriage also have consequences. Ideas about relationships have consequences. Even though many Americans only think for the moment without considering the consequences, they will eventually come. The ideas will eventually produce results, in the case of multicultural ideas where “all cultures (view points) are the same”, the catchphrases may sound egalitarian and nice, yet they will eat your marriage from the heart and soul outward.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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