“Let’s redefine marriage!”

One of the ways society attempts destroying your marriage is through redefinition. By redefining what marriage is, what family is and what ‘acceptable’ behavior is, your marriage is under attack. By wanting to hold onto your marriage, some in society would consider you guilty of ‘familialism’. This occurs when you put your own family ahead of others in terms of your priorities.

What used to be called ‘loose morals’ and profligacy is now called “freedom of intimate association”. Those promoting the ‘freedom of intimate association’ advocate individual self-development, happiness and equality within the family as their goals. Let me translate that for you. They want people to be selfish when it comes to family members. They want family members, including cheaters, to insist on their rights so as to tear the family apart. The goal of happiness sounds nice, but whose happiness are they considering? Instead of making choices in terms of what is good for the family, they want each spouse to ‘do what makes them happy’, even if it means the destruction of the family. They won’t call it homewrecking or destruction of the family, instead they will call it restructuring and reconfiguring the family. Somehow using fancy terms in their redefinitions makes their profligacy and irresponsibility more tolerable and more ‘progressive’.

The progressives are now discussing topics such as post-familialism (e.g. daily life after the family is wrecked).

The redefinition of what family is and what marriage is only serve to complicate matters. When your spouse or family member falls for the redefinitions, you’ve got problems. At that point, the two of you are discussing apples and oranges. The redefinition jargon makes meaningful discussions impossible. The redefinitions are designed to do that. By using new ‘trendy’ words, they hope to portray you and your values as antiquated, and behind the times. The new jargon and freedom of intimate association is nothing more than double-speak and sleeping around. They are not doing anything new, just calling it by a new name.

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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2 Responses

  1. This sounds a lot like the way the Hegelian Dialectic works…and it is indeed at work in our society …deliberate fracturing of the foundation of society ..marriage and family as God set it forth for the provision, protection and instruction of godliness which is what creation is glued together by in terms of man’s contribution and participation ..without it ….we will endure chaos and as you say ‘restructuring’ and as is we see a lot of ‘rewriting of history’ .

    Many people are too busy trying to pay bills and playing to pay attention, to care , to feel they have any hope of making a difference …which is JUST what the social engineers are counting on.

    The future is only as bright as the application of morality set forth by our designer /creator ….adultery and porn are only tools that are easy and cheap for use to destroy ….many are too clueless of this ploy to see it coming and soon succumb to it’s lure without any idea how it destroys themselves!

    1. The redefining is how some people and cheaters are trying to ‘justify’ what they are doing. By redefining the structures and relationships, they end up justifying the old perversions.

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