So what happens on my insides when I am stressed?

When you are dealing with an affair, there is stress. No matter what you tell yourself, your body experiences stress, either from internal or external sources.

When your body is under stress, it’s an “all hands on deck” phenomena for your body. The alarm is sounded and all your systems react.

Even though you attribute what is going on to ‘nerves’ or even deny it, the reality is that your body is ‘freaking out.’ The freak out of stress starts with your adrenal glands secreting adrenaline.

Once the order is given to the adrenal glands to manufacture more adrenaline, there’s no turning back. You can’t stop the process once the adrenaline is released.

When the order to secrete adrenalin happens, it surges through your body. Each organ system it comes in contact with has their switch turned on.

Your blood pressure elevates, your heart rate accelerates, and there is greater tension in your muscles. That tension often shows up as aches and pains. Your digestive process also slows or even stops.

This is why you may not be hungry or want to eat. When your digestive system slows down, your body still needs nutrition. During those needs for nutrition, your body releases its stockpiles of sugar and fat.

The sudden release of those stockpiled supplies of sugar and fat often changes cholesterol levels as a result. You may wonder how your levels could shoot so high when you haven’t eaten much. It’s simple, your body raided the storehouse to take what it wanted.

The sudden wave of sugar and fat has been known to change the composition of blood as well. It is no wonder you feel very different given that so many things are going on. Just about every organ and body system is impacted either directly or indirectly by stress.

There are consequences when your body is stressed like this. The systems function at high alert for a limited time. After that, your body crashes.

If you struggle with the stress associated with an affair or your body is staying stressed, you need help soothing yourself.  The video “Overcoming Affair Trauma” explains what is happening along with ways of dealing with it.

Something beyond your control may be stressing you out, but you don’t have to stay stressed out.

Best Regards,


The sudden chemical wave that hits the body with adrenaline changes who you are on the inside. Under prolonged stress, there are even more chemicals released. It amounts to a bizarre chemical cocktail that leaves your whole body reeling from its effects.

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