The Power of Promises in Affair Recovery

You don’t like being lied to. No one likes being lied to.

It often hurts when you realize someone lied to you. It hurts worse when it is someone close to you, like your spouse. Although it hurts being lied to, its even worse when promises are broken.

Many of the structures of marriage are built on promises. The promises give the relationship strength. When those promises are violated, the strength is broken.

It’s not by accident that cheaters, who violated one set of promises try  making things better by making more promises.  At some level, they know the power of promises, even though they have broken them.

They know promises can heal. They give hope. They lead other to believe things will get better.

They know that promises convey security, hope and can soothe many rough spots. When a cheater knows the power of promises, you should as well.

The power of promises is strong, so are the pains of broken promises. This is one of the reasons why monogamy is important.

You and your spouse made promises. Those promises were to each other and to God. Those promises have power and need to be kept.

When people don’t keep their promises, they’re considered ‘untrustworthy’ and depending on who you do not keep your promises to, can be considered a criminal or legally remedied action.

If you break a business promise, it’s a breach of contract.

If you lie to the police, it’s a criminal act.

If you lie to federal agents, it’s a criminal act.

But, somehow, the seriousness of lies and broken promises are disregarded by many when it comes to marriage. This should not be the case.

The promises made in a marriage should have more weight and seriousness than any promise made regarding business or law enforcement.

Families and societies are dependent on people keeping their promises. Broken promises = broken families and broken societies.

If your marriage has been damaged by power of broken promises, you’ll benefit from the video “How Can I Trust You Again?”. You can start changing your relationship with other tools than just empty promises.

Best Regards,


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