You’re not paranoid when they’re out to get you: Marriage and Family Haters

The hatred of marriage and the family by some in society is nothing new. It may come as a shock to you, but there are some people who want to see your marriage and family destroyed.

Years ago, I encountered people using the term ‘haters’. Anytime I did something they didn’t like, I was accused with the question, “Why are you hating on me?

When it comes to marriage, there are some REAL haters. People who detest marriage, including yours and want to see it destroyed.

Whether you like it or not, there are people with evil designs on your marriage. Consider some of the following quotes:

Marriage is “a slavery-like practice” and “we can’t destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage.“-Robin Morgan, former editor of MS. magazine

The complete destruction of traditional marriage and the nuclear family is the revolutionary or utopian goal of feminism.“-Kate Millett, feminist writer.

Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession….The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family-maker is a choice that shouldn’t be,”-Vivian Gornick, feminist writer

The nuclear family must be destroyed, and people must find better ways of living together…. Whatever its ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process….Families will be finally destroyed only when a revolutionary social and economic organization permits people’s needs for love and security to be met in ways that do not impose divisions of labor, or any external roles, at all.“-Linda Gordon, NYU History Professor

Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women’s movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage.“-Sheila Cronin, former leader of NOW (National Organization of Women).

“Destroy the family and you destroy society.”Vladimir I. Lenin

The American socialist, Robert Owen, considered the three areas of  ‘marriage, family and private property ‘ the triumvirate of evil.

I shared these quotes to let you know that there are some people that hate your marriage and want to see it destroyed. It’s not you just imagining that the world is against you.

There are influential people opposed to traditional marriage and family. Their goal is destroying it. They use affairs, propaganda, pornography and any other tools in doing so.

There are people betting against you and your family. These people influence the opinions of others. They may even be influencing your children, your spouse or you.

When the poisonous  influence of the marriage haters spills into your marriage, it brings trouble. For them, affairs are only tools used in breaking up marriages like yours.

Your marriage is worth fighting for. Not only is your marriage worth fighting for, the enemy is not your spouse. The enemy is instead the evil hatred of marriage and family that has permeated society.

Whether it comes from feminist thinkers, hardcore socialists or hardcore pornography, they all want to see your marriage and family destroyed. Your marriage bothers them and reminds them that there are morals, along with rights and wrongs.

You need to know who the real enemy is. The poison of their ideas can damage your marriage more than any affair. They want to poison and destroy your family.

Attacking your marriage is just one part of their agenda. They want all relationships to be equal, except marriage which is viewed as oppressive. This means they view the relationship between the cheater and lover as equal to your marriage.

They want the relationship between the cheater and some local stripper to be on the same level as your marriage, and have the same claims on your spouse as you do.

In recovering from an affair, it helps to know who the enemy is and how they think. Knowing what you are up against will protect you from being blind-sided.

The thinking behind the affair is always a bigger problem than the affair itself because the thinking is what leads to MORE. More affairs, more fights, more lust, more affairs, more….

This means that your feelings of people being out to destroy your marriage are not fantasy. There are influential people whose goal is the destruction of your marriage. They write books and influence others with their poison.

If your marriage has been infected with an affair, there’s hope. The download “Affair Recovery Workshop” helps your marriage back to health. You can know what to say, what to avoid, and rebuild the damaged parts of your marriage.

Best Regards,



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