Life is short and your data is forever

The data breach of Ashley Madison continues yielding surprises. In a story from the BBC, the latest surprise discovered by hackers is that those supposedly ‘deleted’ profiles were never actually deleted. That means all the personal information, including your fantasies and sexual preferences are still there.

Apparently the ‘deleting’ of profiles only removed them from active access. You were led to believe that your profile was erased. It’s ironic in how the same company that uses the ‘shortness of life’ as part of its advertising campaign also keeps the cheaters data long after they quit using the service. They know that ‘life is short, and your data is forever’.

In 2014 alone, Ashley Madison processed 90,000 requests for erasure, and raked in $2,000,000 for ‘not’ deleting them.

This means that if you have ever used Ashley Madison, you may be at risk. Your data may be at risk and it is still discoverable. If hackers can find it, others can find it. If you were one of those who considered cheating with Ashley Madison, your digital shadow still follows you.

Centuries ago, Moses said, ‘be sure that your sins will find you out”. Now thousands of years later, in the digital age, that is truer than at the time those words were written.

That means that if you completed a profile, even if it was when you were single, you will want to reveal that to your spouse. Yes, there may be some blowback, but consider the amount of blowback if they, your children or your employer discover it online.

Imagine your grandchildren discovering your favorite fantasies and sexual preferences by stumbling onto the old Ashley Madison database archive.

Background security checks are thorough and your old profiles are always at risk of being discovered, even if you thought they were deleted.

This time, the joke is on the cheater. They used Ashley Madison to hide their behavior and wishes. Now Ashley Madison is cheating on them. The irony is just and poetic.

Having the cheater being cheated on by the company that encourages cheating. Wow! Who could have imagined. A company that encourages cheating, cheated their customers, who would have thought?

The very idea that a company would dare to cheat a cheater. The nerve of someone lying and deceiving their lying customers! Can you imagine someone daring to scam such people?

If you’ve been a cheater, there is no better time that the present to do something about it. The video ‘Help for the Cheater: Starting the road to recovery’ is what you need. It guides you through handling discovery along with identifying what changes are needed.

Best Regards,


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