Lovers don’t come with warning labels

The movie Fatal Attraction struck a nerve when it came out in Theaters in 1987. The film resonated with the public on many levels and put a Hollywood spotlight on affairs. When a film about affairs resonates with people, I often wonder about the reason for that.

In Fatal Attraction, you have the female character, Alex Forrest (played by Glen Close)  who is portrayed as going to extreme measures in reaction to being rejected. Being rejected often hits a nerve. You don’t like being rejected and neither does the lover. In Alex’s case, she didn’t take rejection lying down. She felt she was deceived and lied to. Feeling wronged, she took action in capturing the man who she firmly believed belonged to her.

Alex wasn’t a woman to be ignored or rejected. As she says “I’m not going to be ignored”.  For me, she’s the perfect example of what I call “Trappers”.  Trappers are those lovers who, with pit bull tenacity, latch on and don’t let go. Since they often ‘trap’ and never release, they pose a threat to your family and your spouse.

Trappers often have various ways of catching those they are chasing after. Their traps may include pregnancy, threats of blackmail, using technological devices in capturing shameful moments, or out and out threats. Those threats may be physical, psychological, religious or legal. Since their end game is domination, they chase after the lover with crazed determination.

They view the cheater as ‘someone who belongs to them’. In claiming what is theirs, they chase, catch and dominate. They view those they mate with, as trophies to be collected and displayed.

Lovers don’t come with warning labels alerting cheaters to the potential dangers ahead. If they did, the Trappers would have flashing warning lights and sirens. Then again, some cheaters may ignore the warnings anyway.

Cheaters don’t realize that mentally healthy people don’t let strangers into their pants so easily. When you easily get into their pants, it should warn you that something is ‘not right’ either with the person or the situation. This is part of their trap. Sex is used as a lure to catch people.

In the case of Trappers, they play for ‘keeps’. The adage “All’s fair in love and war” is a way of life for them. That means you can’t expect them to be ‘honest’,  ‘reasonable’ or ‘fair’ or ‘adult’ about things. They are not driven by such motivations. If you think in terms of ‘reptilian brains’, they operate like something out of Jurassic Park. There is no limit to the lies and deception they will use in getting who they want.

If you dare asking ‘how low can you go?’, when trappers are involved, you are in uncharted territory.

With dangers like this, you and your spouse need a strong marriage and a united front in dealing with the threat of ‘Trappers’. If you try taking on such threats alone, it could overwhelm each of you individually.

The recent video, ” How To Rekindle Closeness And Bring Back Intimacy In Your Marriage” provides you with what you and your spouse need to cover in protecting yourselves from the threat of trappers. Since you can’t eliminate the threat of trappers, you can strengthen your marriage to where the two of you can withstand their determined attacks.

Best Regards,


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