Are Affairs about adding adventure to your life?

In searching for the answer behind affairs, you’ll find many answers. One of the answers to what motivates affairs in the mainstream spotlight is that ‘affairs add adventure’ to your life.

One prominent relationship expert said, “It’s the affairs that add adventure...” Affairs certainly add some adventure, yet I’m not sure it’s the kind of adventure you want or want to be the butt of.

In some of my previous posts, I’ve noted that ‘affairs add passion to your life’, yet pointed out that passion may not be what you think. Passion is when you like something to the point where it pains you and those around you.

You like it till it hurts. When you view affairs as an adventure, they’re one adventure that leaves life changing scars. It gives new meaning to the term ‘scared for life‘.

If you are looking for an adventure that is guaranteed to scar you and your family forever, an affair delivers the goods.

What happens when the adventure ends? What happens when you’re ready to come home?

Real life is not like the movies. You can’t return home acting like everything is okay.

Real life isn’t like your childhood make-believe play where you adventure all day and return to the safety and security of your home where ‘all is well’.

Affairs change you, your home and life. One touch of the forbidden fruit sends rippling waves of change that touch every part of your life from that point and into the future.

The cheater may view the changes as a source of excitement. What they don’t realize is that those waves of change bring death with them.

Affairs bring a kiss of death. They kill relationships, families, morals or souls. Something is going to die as a result of the affair.

When I say they bring life changing adventure, it’s a misnomer. I really should say that affairs bring an adventure that sucks the life out of something kind of adventure.

The good news is that some of the damage can be repaired, but not all of it. There are scars that heal and scars that never heal that come with affairs. Your marriage can be saved, but it doesn’t mean that ‘all is well’ once again.

The ‘Affair Recovery Workshop’ provides you with the tools you need for repairing what can be repaired. You can do damage control, but you can erase what happened.

Best Regards,



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