Mark Twain and his ‘slut’ pining for seduction

One of the most colorful characters in American literary circles in the 19th century was Mark Twain. In his heyday, his books were selling well and he was in demand as an entertaining speaker.

Even today, his books and quotations contain wit and insight regarding the many topics he wrote about. You’ve likely heard references to Twain quotes or made some yourself.

When it comes to adultery he said,

By temperament, which is the real law of God, many men are goats and can’t help committing adultery when they get a chance; whereas there are numbers of men who, by temperament, can keep their purity and let an opportunity go by if the woman lacks in attractiveness.”

Although he was a public figure in many ways, researchers are still combing through his past. They claim they are looking for new insights, although it could be that they just want some dirt on him.

One of the areas researchers continue exploring is whether or not he had an affair with his secretary, Isabel Van Kleek Lyon. Although she’s not mentioned in his ‘authorized’ biography or autobiography, documentation is coming out that she was very involved with him.

In one of his letters, he referred to her as “… a filthy-minded and salacious slut pining for seduction.” Using such terms along with his almost excusing men’s temperament toward infidelity, and the her conspicuous absence from the ‘official’ storyline makes a convincing case for infidelity.

His life shows that no matter how far you go in hiding infidelity, there are always hints and clues. The ugly truth eventually comes out.

This also means that even though it happened years ago, adultery will eek its way out. Erasing your search history, your contacts and burning letters won’t hide everything.

Your body and heart know what happened. Your body memories remind you of what happened.

No matter when it happened or the circumstances, you can move past it. There are steps you can take that take the poison out of the past so that it doesn’t taint your marriage any further.

At the Restored Lifestyle membership site, you can have access to videos addressing the affair from the initial crisis, through preventing relapse and forgiveness.

Rather than hoping no one finds out, you can instead put it behind you, warts and all. Healing an affair takes less energy than hiding it.

Keeping It Real,


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