Is your diet slowing down your Affair recovery?

One of the topics dealt with in my affair recovery video on dealing with Affair Trauma is diet. What you eat and how much you eat influences how you feel and how you think.

Diet is one of those topics that I have rarely seen in the books on affair recovery. They focus on what they can see on the outside.

The damage from the affair is not limited to what can be seen on the outside. The inside of you, including your brain has also been damaged. Although rarely seen it’s vitally important if you ever want your brain to start working correctly again.

The affair traumatizes your brain and body. Within a few moments, the chemicals used in coping are suddenly depleted. Your brain is cut off from the very chemicals it needs for recovery.

Affairs change both your brain and the brain of the cheater. Healing requires taking action that repairs your relationship, your bodies and your brains.

Going through affair recovery without caring for your brain is asking for trouble. You may wonder why you don’t feel better, or why your thinking doesn’t improve. The answer could be that you are not taking care of your brain.

When going through recovery from an affair your brain needs two important nutrients. Without them, your nerve cells won’t function correctly and you won’t have the needed energy going to your brain.

The nutrients you take in impact your neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the ability of your brain to recover from setbacks like trauma. It amounts to how well you bounce back.

Besides the needed nutrients, your brain also needs sleep in order to heal. Without it, your brain continues functioning in a haphazard manner.

There may be some simple solutions to why your thinking is not improving like you want it to.

Rather than continue missing out on these simple solutions, consider joining the Restored Lifestyle site where membership includes access to the videos, forums and articles giving you the direction you need.

Keeping It Real,




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