“Are you waiting for an apology?”

Are you waiting for an apology? Apologies are nice, yet waiting for them slows down your recovery.

You may even be making the mistake of typing their apology to your forgiveness. By waiting on them, you find yourself holding onto pain for a long time.

I’ve seen some spouse who hold onto that pain until their dying day. They were waiting for an apology that never came.

When they said, “I’ll never forgive him!” they meant it.

Life is hard enough without carrying around the ball and chain that comes with unforgiveness.

While we are talking about waiting for apologies, consider whether they are capable of making an apology. When they are incapable of making an apology, your waiting for them is self-sabotage.

As surprising as it sounds, not everyone is capable or willing when it comes to making apologies. Thinking that everyone can apologize or that they’ll do it because you are special is deceptive.

Thinking that you’re special or that some different set of universal rules apply in your situation is the same kind of thinking the cheater had.

Apologies are not essential to forgiveness. When they happen, it makes things go smoother, but they aren’t essential.

The cheater already damaged your life. You don’t have to let that damage turn into a lifetime of misery.

It could be that there’s some gaps in what you know about forgiveness and how it works. Knowledge gaps can be fixed, unlike people who can’t or won’t make apologies.

In the video ‘Forgiveness: Stop the Pain, Tear down the walls and remove the roadblocks” you can learn what it takes in making forgiveness work for you.

Best Regards,



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