When your stress reactions go overboard, your body is telling you something

When my body tells me that I’m overreacting to events I listen to it. Although my mind tells me all is well and that “I’m doing fine“, my body and gut tell the truth more often than my mind does.

There were times I’ve tried the mind over matter approaches, yet found them lacking and misleading. My own hardheadedness has led me astray more often than the reactions of my body.

The challenge lies in tuning in and paying attention to the message it’s sending. Over the years I’ve learned about the different messages my body is telling me through symptoms. Each symptom has a different message.

When it comes to affairs, your symptoms are telling you something. When your reaction to stressful events is exaggerated, you’re being sent a message.

The exaggeration is a way of getting your attention. The question for you is ‘Are you listening to what your body is telling you?’ If you ignore it, it only starts talking louder.

Those exaggerated responses are letting you know that you’ve experienced some degree of trauma. Your mind may be telling you that ‘it’s no big deal’, but your body knows the truth. You’re body knows that you are fooling yourself.

When it comes to affairs, things get messy fast. When someone steps outside of their marriage for things they should be doing inside their marriage, things get messy. Not only do they get messy, you often find yourself feeling trapped in the mess with little hope of escape.

Emotions and dealing with them forces you to get real and get honest with yourself and others. Taking other approaches has consequences either today or in the future.

The time to deal with your exaggerated responses to stress is now. In the January Special Report going to members of the Restored Lifestyle site, I address these issues.  The report , “Trauma Bonds: The ties that choke and bind” explains these overreactions and what you can do about them in order to change unhealthy patterns in your life.

Keeping It Real,


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