The Anti-Justice League of Affair Villains

Having grown up during what some call the golden and silver age of comics, the superhero movies have many disappointments despite the stunning effects and visuals. Although I enjoy seeing character I only read about now coming to life on the big screen, they’ve lost some things along the way. I suppose those changes are related to changes in cultural values.

The Justice League combines many characters together for a common mission. That common mission is stopping the bad character. Somehow they overcome the obstacles and succeed.

In a strange twist, in a similar manner, there are many forces arrayed in a common mission of damaging or destroying your marriage. You’re not being paranoid. There really are evil forces intent on doing their worst.

Over the years, I’ve talked about these villains whose goal is damaging your marriage. There are the Poachers, Creepers, Wedding Crushers, Sugar Babies, Yolos and Whoredogs. Each sharing a common goal.  (If you missed the posts, feel free to search the archives for them).

The first thing they seek doing is tying you up with emotional binds and traps. Once you’re immobilized, they are free to do their damage.

This Anti-Justice League or more aptly named Anti-Marriage League poses a constant threat. Each villain threatens your marriage in a different way, yet the goal is the same.

They don’t play fair, they aren’t after the truth, and they don’t care about life or your values.

In dealing with this threat, you need an awareness of the danger and ways of escaping the binds and traps. Since most of the traps are based on trauma bonds, that is a great place to start.

These villains are experts at triggering those bonds and using them against you. In combating them, you need ways of breaking free of those bonds. This is where the January Special Report on Trauma Bonds can help you in dealing with them.

The report, entitled “Trauma Bonds: The Ties that Choke and Bind” is coming out January 15 to members of the Restored Lifestyle site. You still have time to join and start taking steps in  breaking those trauma bonds that immobilize you in affair recovery.

Keeping It Real,


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