Wanting the WHOLE load

There’s an old joke about a preacher who finds himself with a congregation of one on a Sunday filled with bad weather. He looks out on the one parishioner and considers his options. The preacher makes the decision to give the congregant the whole sermon he had prepared.

At the conclusion, the congregant, who happened to be a rancher commented about how when he has a whole truckload of fodder, he doesn’t give it all to just one cow.

The old joke popped into my mind on considering a reader who wanteOne of the dangers in dealing with trauma is wanting it all and wanting it NOW.

d MORE on dealing with trauma. She found my material helpful and wanted more ways of dealing with trauma.

Surprisingly she cancelled her receiving the emails a day later. In her case, she wanted more of the information, and wanted it NOW.

I understand how you want MORE answers and want them know, yet like the congregant, I’m concerned about getting the whole load, especially when they are matters dealing with trauma and all that associated pain.

Some things are best handled a little at a time. Trauma, such as Affair Trauma is one of those.

With too much information, the additional information goes in one ear and out the other. It tickles your brain, but when you don’t put it to use, it is of limited use.

It could end up leaving you feeling traumatized by failing to absorb the information as fast as you wanted.

One of the essential foundational things you need in healing from trauma is ‘grounding’. There are many types of grounding. In the case of trauma, the type you need is where you feel both listened to and understood.

Being listened to is not enough by itself. You need the validation that comes from being understood by someone else.

This goes a long way when they are listening and understanding the struggle you are dealing with.

Once you feel understood, you have some ‘grounding’. You need that grounding before taking on all the junk associated the trauma.

Tackling trauma without being grounded amounts to attempting a stand against a tidal wave of emotions and memories. You may feel strong enough to do it, yet if you are not grounded, they will overwhelm you.

In the video “Overcoming Affair Trauma” you can learn more about what to do so that you can move past the trauma in your life.

Keeping It Real,


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