Why should you listen to me

It’s amazing how many ideas I experience while driving or taking a shower. At those times, the pieces come together and suddenly make more sense.

Although I haven’t jumped out of the shower yelling Eureka! at having an idea, I leave the shower with a renewed spring in my step. Such ideas have an energy all their own.

One idea occurring to me concerned the question “Why should you listen to me?” With all the affair recovery experts out there, there’s plenty to choose from.

First, I can tell you that neither I nor my wife have had an affair. There have been temptations, pressures, and close calls, yet no one stepped outside of our marriage. I share with you ways of staying together and reducing the risks of infidelity. Neither of us was married before, so we don’t have that experience in addition to our vita. we’ve learned about communication, commitment, and what’s involved in ‘keeping things together’.

What I have experienced is how affairs impact a family firsthand from the perspective of watching what happened to my family when affairs happened. I saw the hurt, confusion, and devastation that comes with infidelity.

In addition to personal experiences and observations, I have also extensively researched and studied the topic of affairs and infidelity. I have spent countless hours reading books, articles, and studies on the subject to gain a deeper understanding of this complex issue.

I’ve felt torn regarding all the conflicting loyalties, the keeping of secrets, and getting betrayed on several levels at the same time. Although all the affairs in my family are finally over, the shock waves from them continue reverberating decades after they happened.

I’ve gone through the CPS (Children’s Protective Service) drama, suicidal gestures, threats of murder, depression, and malaise that come with adultery. Infidelity isn’t something just between two adults, it leaves a wide ugly, jagged scar on everyone in the family.

All these experiences gave me a unique view and voice as a counselor in dealing with affairs. Having gone through those experiences, I knew the struggles firsthand.

Working with couples recovering from affairs found me in churches, courtrooms, agencies, shelters, schools, hospitals, and counseling offices. So I’ve not only dealt with the effects firsthand, I’ve seen adultery from a wide array of settings. No matter what angle you look at it from, it’s ugly.

My material and the posts I share are from those experiences. I don’t want anyone to have to go through the agony and consequences that affairs bring if you don’t have to.  There are things you can do that help you recover from what happened rather than letting it sink you.

In the downloadable Affair Recovery Workshop, I guide you through the journey of recovery in a special sequence designed to reduce conflict and put your relationship in a healthier place.

The material is what you would experience and learn in over a month of counseling for much less than it would cost you in both time and money. When your main goal is recovering from the affair, it’s a powerful tool for you and your marriage.

Order your copy today.

Keeping It Real,


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